A82: Galaxian Help!


A82: Galaxian Help!

Sorry to be clogging up the list with long messages and constant 
Galaxian problems. I'm pretty sure I've located the problem when running 
Galaxian with CrASH. You know the one where you play Galaxian press 
Clear, then exit CrASH by pressing MODE, then reenter CrASH by using the 
PGRM button, then the calc immediately crashes. I'm positive it has 
something to do with my pause routine. I implimented the pause routine in 
Orzunoid and now that game has the CrASh problem as well. Heres the pause 
routine maybe someone could show me where the problem is and how to fix 
it :)

pause:   LD       HL,0
         ld       (CURSOR_ROW),hl
         ld       hl,paused_msg

         ld       hl,$b05
         ld       (CURSOR_ROW),hl
         ld       hl,(lives)

         ld       hl,$b06
         ld       (CURSOR_ROW),hl
         ld       hl,(level)

         ld       hl,$b07
         ld       (CURSOR_ROW),hl
         ld       hl,(score)

	  call    DISP_DELAY      ;Probably unnecessary
        ld      a,(CONTRAST)    ;Load normal contrast value
        add     a,$D8           ;Convert to display controller
        out     ($10),a         ;Send command to display controller

         call     GET_KEY
         cp       G_ENTER
         ret      z
         ld       hl,CONTRAST

         cp       G_PLUS
         jr       nz,no_plus
         ld       a,(hl)
         cp       $3f
         jr       z,no_plus
         inc      (hl)

no_plus: cp       G_MINUS
         jr       nz,no_minus
         ld       a,(hl)
         cp       $18
         jr       z,no_minus
         dec      (hl)

         jr       paused_loop

         .db      "Galaxian 82 v2.0"
         .db      "---> PAUSED <---"
         .db      "<ENTER> : resume"
         .db      "<+> : contrast +"
         .db      "<-> : contrast -"
         .db      "LIVES --->      "
         .db      "LEVEL --->      "
         .db      "SCORE --->",0
