Re: A82: The link port
Re: A82: The link port
There's also "linkrout.h", which is used in ZTETRIS for the 85/6 and 92
(well the language is different, but it's the same routine) and the
routine is also used in INSANE GAME 2.xx for 85 when 2 playering.(is that
a word?)
i don't have the Insane source, but i know they have the same routine
because the server/workstation code is the same and you can play tetris
against insane. tetris will crash the calc, but insane just lags.
"linkrout.h" should be included in one of the files.
On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 20:56:50 EST ADAMMAN106 <> writes:
>In a message dated 98-01-26 19:14:06 EST, you write:
>> Are there any good routines out there for using the 82 link port?
>Dines in
>> particular.
>> Gerad
>there are some good ones for the 85. Look at in the 85 ASM
>section, routines and there is a file called getsend.asm somewhere. I
>looked at it yet but I d/l'd it a long time ago in case I needed it in
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