Re: A82: Porting (85)


Re: A82: Porting (85)

On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 21:03:52 EST ADAMMAN106 <> writes:
>In a message dated 98-01-26 20:09:34 EST, you write:
>>  please ignore my stupidity, but... er... how? there's probably 
>>  in the text files, but i'm too damn lazy... finals wore me out...  
>>  for the info (in advance) and thanx for informing me on something i 
>>  i'd never know about...
>Well, all you have to do is one simple instruction:
>	set 7, (iy+$14)			;write menu style 
>strings to the graph mem
>Pretty easy.  Does this mean you'll continue porting?

Yes i will continue, once my head stops hurting from smacking my
forehead. ouch.
- Greg

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