Re: A82: CalcEm


Re: A82: CalcEm

> There's something else I noticed with calcem, but it's probably something I
> did so I never said anything.
> Whenever I start it, calcem shows up on the start bar, but no window shows up.
> I minimize all windows and then start it, but nothing.  This happened with
> v0.5, so of course I tried v0.4 (I have all the versions archived), but no go.
> Finally v0.3 worked.
> Anyway, I'd like to know why I screwed up in v0.5, it affected v0.4, but
> nothing under that.  ???  Please tell me.
> Thanks,

You could try to delete the calcem entries in the windows registry. 
Ths is where calcem saves its settings.

Here's how to do it.

1) start regedit.exe (it's in the \windows directory somewhere)
2) 'browse' to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software
3) delete the 2GoodProductions folder or the Calcem folder in the 
2goodproductions one

start calcem again after this and it will recreate those entries with 
the default values.

-------> TI-82 Corner <---------
