Re: A82: CalcEm


Re: A82: CalcEm

In a message dated 98-08-25 18:07:13 EDT, you write:

> Hello,
>  	I thought to write this to start up a discussion, everyone is pretty
>  quiet.. anyways, I've noticed the following with CalcEm, and I hope if
>  David, you are reading this, that you fix it, it is a great emulator.  I
>  only found 3 things actually:
>  -> When you link to the 82/3, and have the program on your calculator, if
>  you choose quit or omit, it crashes your CalcEm software.
>  -> The Ti-83 has silent link, you should be able to send w/o going to the
>  link menu.
>  -> The only programming problem I noticed: when using GET_KEY, and a
>  like this, the keys don't respond:
>   call GET_KEY
>   cp $01
>   jp z,Down			;It'll detect this..
>   inc a
>   jp z,Left			;It won't get this
>   inc a
>   jp z,Right			;Nor this
>   inc a
>   jp z,Up			;Nor this..
>  That's all I have to say.. Oh yeah, does anyone [Ilya, Dines?] have an
>  _IPoint routine?  Thanks for the _ILine routine Ilya.
>  								-Ahmed

There's something else I noticed with calcem, but it's probably something I
did so I never said anything.
Whenever I start it, calcem shows up on the start bar, but no window shows up.
I minimize all windows and then start it, but nothing.  This happened with
v0.5, so of course I tried v0.4 (I have all the versions archived), but no go.
Finally v0.3 worked.
Anyway, I'd like to know why I screwed up in v0.5, it affected v0.4, but
nothing under that.  ???  Please tell me.

