Re: A82: Ram
Re: A82: Ram
as far as i can see from a ti85, the ram is not removable. it might be
different for an 82, but most likely not...
the processor can't handle beyond it anyway... that's why the 86 has rom
pages AND ram pages. you'd need a new rom to handle it.
On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 18:18:23 -0400 Sean Creasy <> writes:
>Does anyone know how I could get more ram for my calcs? I thoght of
>the ram chip out of a TI-82 and put it in my other calc but I don't
>know if
>that would work. I wan't to be asle to put programs on my calc that
>over the ram amount. I'd like to know if this is possible.
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