Re: A82: Ram
Re: A82: Ram
There is a hard working ti expander man, but real lazy 82 shell
devolpers... <jk>
Once they finish the shell with the right calls and all of the safe vat
stuff, I'll make a drive for it...
>I don't think ram extenders are currently available for the 8x calcs, but
>there is one for the 92 I believe. Hopefully there is a hardworking
>TI-Hardware person out there who is making an 82 extender, which would
>make me really happy.
>On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 18:18:23 -0400 Sean Creasy <> writes:
>>Does anyone know how I could get more ram for my calcs? I thoght of
>>the ram chip out of a TI-82 and put it in my other calc but I don't
>>know if
>>that would work. I wan't to be asle to put programs on my calc that
>>over the ram amount. I'd like to know if this is possible.
><snip (sig too long :) )>
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