Re: A82: SQRXZ 82 Survey
Re: A82: SQRXZ 82 Survey
At 01:27 PM 9/17/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-09-15 21:57:21 EDT, you write:
>> Okay, here are a few questions that I want some input to as to how to make
>> SQRXZ 82:
>> 1) Should I reverse the screen when you go under water? If so, should I
>> add a special transition block in areas where you can't see the enemies
>> that are there?
>Yes, reversing the screen sounds kewl
>what do you mean with the transition block?
I've had two people ask me this, so I'll answer it. In the official game
of SQRXZ (for the PC), the water is blue and the normal background is
black. On the 82, you only have 2 colors (unless you do ugly greyscale
stuff). This means that the water will only be differentiated by having a
dumb looking wave at the top or being a solid color (black). The
transition block would allow SQRXZ to stand near the water and time his
jump. At the transition block, the screen would reverse and you could see
below the water.
>> 2) What speeds/difficulty levels should there be?
>3 speeds/3 difficulty levels but maybe have a key combination at the title
>screen for more levels of speed/difficulty and have those keypresses revealed
>when you beat a normal game (i.e. Kirby's Dream Land for Game Boy) and take
>that part out of the source :-)
I'm leaving everything in the source except stuff that is critical to Game
Wizard v2.0.
>> 3) Should the secret level use chickens (buck buck buck buckaaaaw :) as
>> enemy? If so, should their heads be chopped off or change into a R.I.P.
>> stone when SQRXZ squashes them.
>would the R.I.P stone be an obstacle or just be in the background? I think
>making enemies into barriers would be a kewl idea
>otherwise, show the head being disembodied, then turn into a small
>unnoticable lump
Your idea is highly possible with the current A.I. engine that I'm making.
>> 4) Should I use a fade in/out feature? If I do, I will remove part of it
>> when I release the source to the public (because of Game Wizard v2.0
>> .
>fade in/out? you mean for each level you fade in to start and fade out to
>if the fading has anything to do w/ contrast then leave it out
That's what I'm reffering to, although fading in/out could be done other
ways as well...
>is GW 2 out?
Its being released today.
>> 5) How many lives should SQRXZ start out with? Should his lives change
>> with the difficulty level?
>I'd say 3 lives, no change
>or else 6 lives on easy, 4 on medium, and 2 on hard
6 sounds like a bit much, doesn't it? That should be for a very easy setting.
>> 6) Should there be a way to add levels without creating a whole new game?
>> If so, give me the programmers' name and e-mail address of a game that has
>> this type of option.
> that
>Bill Nagel @ w/ Penguins 83&86
>Jason Todd @ (I think?) w/ Marioman OS-82
I thought about Jason Todd. Bill Nagel...isn't he that stuck-up, arrogant
guy at TI-Files who said Penguins shouldn't be on Not meaning
to start a flame war here, just pointing out that a bad reputation can
carry for a long time.
>> 7) Anything else that you think would be really cool to have in SQRXZ 82!
>No comment
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"