Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret


Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret

At 09:56 AM 11/26/97 +0100, you wrote:
>HAve you ever seen the program Hardware Scroller for the TI83 ? This
>program uses the hardware scroll commands to scroll a picture down on the
>screen and there is no flicker at all. If you scroll by moving bytes you
>firstr have to move all the bytes, and then rewrite the whole picture
>(which takes extremely long time). The scroll the display you need one
>command, if you do it in mem you need a lot more than that. 
>If you look at ShowPic whiuch rewrites  picture to the display as fast as
>possible, you wll see that it flickers. TO make the picture shakem you
>would need to rewrite the picture alot too, so that would probably cause
>flicker too.

Not really.  I created a scrolling demo for the 82 (located in my
Development Kit) that smoothly scrolls the screen using my Multi_Key,
SpriteDraw, and scrolling routines that I wrote.  The best part is that it
didn't flicker a single bit!  I agree that hardware scrolling would be
fast, but only horizontal scrolling can be used (scroll up and down), and
if I am remembering correctly, the edges of the screen will be wiped out,
so you would need to have a backup of the screen in memory or it will be
"destroyed."  So, no matter which method you use for horizontal scrolling,
you will need to restore the picture from a buffer anyway.  Another reason
why to not use hardware scrolling is that some games use smaller screens
which makes hardware scrolling much more difficult.  However, I agree fully
with you on full screen games about using hardware scrolling since it is

>So i think that it is best to use hardware scroll when possible, the
>reason for this is that it i faster.

Fully agreed.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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