Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret


Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret

At 09:54 AM 11/25/97 +0100, you wrote:
>How did you implement it ? Do you move the bytes or do you use hardware
>scrolling ?

I scroll the screen in the GRAPH_MEM and delete the last line (i.e.
scrolling left removes the farthest right line).  I thought about using
hardware scrolling, but decided not to since I wanted to not have
flickering at the edges of the screen as I refreshed the page (remember the
display controller is slow) and also because I wouldn't be able to do
vertical scrolling (left and right) easily using the display controller
(read, shift, probably push and pop af every loop, and write...pain in the
neck).  However, shaking the screen could be done using hardware scrolling
in the horizontal directions only (up and down), the vertical scrolling can
only be done by Z80 ASM code using similar routines to what I have.

>Dines Justesen
>Email: or
>WWW  :
>On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
>> At 06:25 PM 11/24/97 -0600, you wrote:
>> <snip>
>> >around thanksgiving so I might not get the chance to work on it. But I 
>> >have a question to ask you asm programmers: I want the screen to "shake" 
>> >when you play but haven't figured out how. Could somebody please tell me 
>> >how this could be accomplished? I remember DINES talking about screen 
>> >scrooling and KURAI's dying eyes battle demo shakes when you get hit, so 
>> >if any of you two could help me out I would appreciate it.
>> >~Ilya
>> How about my scrolling routines in my Development Kit?  All you really need
>> to do is call the scrolling routines a few times (maybe at random) and then
>> display the screen, then restore it and do it again.  Should produce the
>> shaking effect nicely.
>>                  Thomas J. Hruska --
>> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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                 Thomas J. Hruska --
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