A82: assembly programmers? where?


A82: assembly programmers? where?

I think that there are some newbee assembly programmers (like me for
instance), who spend much time learning how to program, so they can be as
good as the real programmers (whow ;-)) I have spend the last month
learning pc/intel/ibm (whatever) assembly programming, and I feel like I am
ready to start the 82. I have followed the discussions here at assembly and
at ti-basic and ti-whatever and it seems like there is some others like me.
So in a while you can expect a bounce of bad calculator-crashing programms
coming (hope not) from a least me. Be ready !!.. (joke)

With all this non-good-english-crap I will just say, that there still is
some trying to program the ti-82.

Stefan Sommer
By most known as Stefan The Greatest (Almost) Sommer

> Fra: ilya winham <ilyamojo@geocities.com>
> Til: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org
> Emne: A82: Info wanted (Dines) <AND> assembly programmers? where?
> Dato: 5. november 1997 07:01
> Subject two: assembly programmers? where?
> I would just like to know who is programming what and when something new 
> will be released? And just how many people (out of about 100) that are 
> on this list plan to make some assembly games/programs. Right now there 
> are very few people actually programming games in assembly for the 82 - 
> this has got to change. More people need to get involved to keep the 82 
> 'alive'.  I don't know about you but more and more the 83 and 86 are 
> sucking the life out of the TI-82. The 82 can compete with the 83 if teh 
> programs are made. In conclusion, I know you are thinking "well why 
> don't you do something?" Well, I am. Currently I am finishing up 
> Avalanch 82asm (working out the bugs) and that will be released soon. I 
> am also working with this-other-guy on a TI-82 memory expander/Infrared 
> link/Indiglo screen (which he made, not me) information. Once I have 
> this information I will send it to the list. And one last thing, look 
> for a brand-spankin new 82 site opening January 1st 1998! It will rock!
> Until then keep on compiling!!