RE: A82: Isn't it ironic.....
RE: A82: Isn't it ironic.....
Actually i found a function in the rom which will let you use all the
commands avaible in basic in assembly (but they wont be faster than the
ones used in basic). Andreas Ess and I have been trying to find out how
to call it, but have had no luck yet. Having a function like that would be
great since it could make things like inputting easy (but slow). Since
noene of us really have had much time for this lately nothing has been
done, who knows maybe some day.
Dines Justesen
Email: or
On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Jeff Tyrrill wrote:
> That's why people like ASM; more complicated programs can be made!
> ________________
> Jeff Tyrrill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ilya winham []
> Sent: Sunday, November 02, 1997 4:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: A82: Isn't it ironic.....
> Isn't it ironic that in TI-Basic it is soo easy to do the simple things
> (e.g. inputing numbers, multiplying, logic tests, etc..) and it is hard
> to do the complex stuff (e.g. scrolling, AI, graphics, etc..) But in
> assembly it is hard to do the simple things and easy to do the complex
> stuff!!