Re: A82: Thanx.
Re: A82: Thanx.
Dean May <> writes:
>Thanks, Ryan and Sam. Its amazing how well your ASM works when you
>write it correctly! =)
Yer' welcome!
>Plus, I fixed my calcoff program, it turns off the calc and leaves ash
>running for when you turn it on. (I can upload it, if uploading ZIP's
>is ok, because I have no way to upload on FTP. (I use a freenet. So what
>if I'm cheap!)) The code is simple for it (5 lines!), 47 bytes on the
5 lines, eh? Then methinks you should just write it out on this list. =)
>Started to work on anything from that wishlist yet? (So I don't start
>somethin' you already are doing)
I'm going to be creating a game called Kaze Kiri. (AC Duo fans will
recognize the title) It's a side-scrollin' hack 'n' slash game. I'm
slowly learning graphics myself, and then I need to do a little
background reading on scrolling and parallax. (Yeah, I know that's
basically EVERYTHING in this game, but hey, at least I have some
direction, right? =) )
>I haven't started graphics work yet on 82ASM, is there a way to use
>sprites/create sprites? If not anyways I still kinda need to know how
>to turn on/off pixels, or I heard of a "GRAPH.H" for ASM. Anybody got a
>copy? (Yeah, so I'm in this ASM thing late) =) Get over it.
>Thanks, Dean May
I'm trying to learn how to use sprites right now. (I *THINK* that's what
using the display controller directly is going to do for me....uh, Sam?
Hehehehe) I haven't had time to look over Sam's program yet (maybe
tonight), so all I know how to do now is turn on/off pixels. (Good enough
for pong? I think so. I think that might be my first game) I'll try to
finish Pong by tomorrow and I'll release the source with it so you can
see what I did. In the meantime, you can visit the ASM 82 Site at:
(Coming Soon...a shorter URL! =) It *might* work now. It's:)
Anyway, if you go to the Ash part of the Help 82 Section, there's a file
called GRAPH.ZIP. It contains the files you want.
- A82: Thanx.
- From: Dean May <>