A82: Thanx.
A82: Thanx.
Thanks, Ryan and Sam. Its amazing how well your ASM works when you write
it correctly! =)
So on that rooter program, the getkey routine works =)
But now I need to know: if I want to have the user input a number between
0 and ? , could I use a getkey, then multiply it by 10, add the next
pushed number, multiply total by 10...etc.. or is there an easier way?
Plus, I fixed my calcoff program, it turns off the calc and leaves ash
running for when you turn it on. (I can upload it, if uploading ZIP's is
ok, because I have no way to upload on FTP. (I use a freenet. So what if
I'm cheap!)) The code is simple for it (5 lines!), 47 bytes on the calc!
Started to work on anything from that wishlist yet? (So I don't start
somethin' you already are doing)
I haven't started graphics work yet on 82ASM, is there a way to use
sprites/create sprites? If not anyways I still kinda need to know how to
turn on/off pixels, or I heard of a "GRAPH.H" for ASM. Anybody got a copy?
(Yeah, so I'm in this ASM thing late) =)
Get over it.
Thanks, Dean May