Re: A82: OS-82 Lockup bug!


Re: A82: OS-82 Lockup bug!

I few days ago i installed OS-82 to see what i looked like, after a had
tire a few games my sister boroughed it. See as doing some math for the
next day, and after awhile the calc crashed. The only thing see had done
was to subtract two numbers. I have no idea why this happen, but
since many people have had problems with this in OS-82 in might be
a problem in the shell.

Dines  ubtract


Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Thu, 28 Aug 1997, Kurai Highsmith wrote:

> 82asm being new, a lot of crappy ASM programs are coming out that i 
> would think could mess up your calc. I use Os-82, do math, and have no 
> probs at all. Course i only keep 1 game on there.
>                                         ~Alex
> You wrote: 
> >
> >I have been using OS-82 1.1 (Not Oshell-82 2.5), and have had the calc 
> crash
> >twice on me, not while using asm, but when doing math on the home 
> screen.
> > The first time it crashed by having wierd characters scroll up the 
> screen
> >very fast (like a rom dump).  The second time I did a divide and the 
> answer
> >was displayed spaced down the screen and to the left.  I did the same
> >operation again, and it just went blank and locked up.  Both times I 
> had to
> >remove a battery, which reset it, to fix it.  Can anyone 
> explain/confirm
> >these problems?
> >
> >
> >David Phillips
