Re: A82: ASH 3.0 question: remove the wait ENTER key pressed ?


Re: A82: ASH 3.0 question: remove the wait ENTER key pressed ?

Due to the way Ash is started it is not possible to remove the wait ENTER
key. I have got an idea how this might be done (it should take up app 15
bytes), but if it does not work interrupts would have to be used an that
would take up something like 300 bytes.



Dines Justesen
Email: or
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On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, Chris wrote:

> I just want to know if that possible to remove the wait for enter key
> pressed when your start ash, I find that boring when you run a ash
> program from the prgm menu.
> All the other new feature of all are very interesting and powerfull,
> thanks for this great shell.
> Here is some ideas for asm progs:
> -a text editor or viewer with all characters and a compressed text file
> format.
> -a prog which make conversion between hex/bin/dec number
> -why not a compressor program !
