| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 BASIC Files |
 | main.fapo.zip | 1k | 10-08-27 |  | fapo() 2.1.1 Regula falsi |
 | rpn4_92.zip | 18k | 10-05-24 |  | A 4 Level RPN emulator based on the HP-35 calculator. With this program you can understand and practice the RPN's logic with a comestible run speed. The 4 Level RPN is an early RPN version. A four level stack is sufficient even for very complex expressions. It was used first on the HP-35 calculator in 1972. The HP-35 was the first pocket calculator with transcendental functions and the first with RPN. The program is based on this machine. My goal was: To write a correct stack emulator of a more simple but faster scientific calculator. The emulator's functions are shown on the screen shots. What you see is what you get. IO screen programming: The controlled write command is the >Output< but it's very slow. The >Disp< is faster, but it isn't controllable. You can control the >Disp< with an empty >Output row,col,""< command. Tis file is the updated TI-92Plus program converted to TI-92 form. |
 | compl92.zip | 6k | 10-03-20 |  | Two complex number functions. Two complex number functions: A trigonometric form converter an a root finder. |
 | zeta.zip | 3k | 09-11-01 |  | Zeta Function This is the zeta function, for all TI's except the TI-73. |
 | piston92.zip | 101k | 09-10-05 |  | Animated piston engines With these geometry animations you can to understand the movement of several piston engines. With this simple method you can make other engine animations. The Geometer's Sketchpad version of these animations are aviable in the 92Plus/basic/math/piston.zip file. |
 | addnt.zip | 13k | 08-06-22 |  | Number and time adder With this program you can add number or time values in column quick and easy. 'Lifted' input= 10 rows result display. Autosaved last number and time sum, positive and negative values, built-in help, editable history. Program documentation included. |
 | derpar92.zip | 26k | 08-04-14 |  | Parametric Derivative Calculates the 1º and 2º derivative of a given parametric function. |
 | custunit.zip | 1k | 07-12-31 |  | custunit With this simple method you can make your own unit converter with The Custom Menu quickly and easy. |
 | nconvert.zip | 3k | 07-09-08 |  | Numerical Base Conversion Functions Binary, decimal, hexadecimal base conversion with functions: built-in flexibility. For exaple:hex(ord("n"))= "0h6E" char(dech("6e"))= "n" hex(dech("f2")+decb("1011")="0hFD" |
 | logb.zip | 3k | 07-09-05 |  | Logarithm to the base n [ENGLISH]This function is very simple to use, just type logb(number,base) in HOME to get the logarithm of "number" to the base "base".[SPANISH]Esta función es muy fácil de usar, solo digite logb(número,base) en el HOMEpara obtener el logaritmo de "número" en base "base". |
 | math.figsolve.zip | 14k | 07-09-04 |  | Figure Solver 1.0 First version of a very useful 2-D, 3-D figure solver. Given the measurements, it calculates the exact volume, height, etc. Especially useful in Geometry. No lateral surface areas at this time. |
 | laplace92.zip | 84k | 06-12-30 |  | Laplace It's a compact and powerful function that calculates Laplace transformations also with literal parameters. |
 | inv_laplace.zip | 89k | 06-12-26 |  | Inverse Laplace Transformation v 1.04 Returns the inverse Laplace transformation of a f(s) function. Bugs fixed. |
 | lagrangeinterpolation.zip | 38k | 06-12-26 |  | Lagrange Interpolation A useful function that returns the Lagrange interpolating polynomial for given points |
 | iter92.zip | 65k | 06-11-20 |  | Iterative Solver The program solves implicit equations with a transparent iterative method, showing all steps. It's ideal for exams! |
 | histogram92.zip | 39k | 06-11-18 |  | Histograms Creates a histogram by a list and plots it like a xyline plot: this allows a very faster exploration of big histograms. |
 | interpol92.zip | 80k | 06-11-18 |  | Single & Double Interpolator The most powerful program for single and double interpolations. |
 | exzeros.zip | 38k | 06-11-18 |  | Exhaustive Zeros Finder Unlike normal Zeros function, it finds all the zeros of a given equation. |
 | eqman.zip | 101k | 06-11-18 |  | Equation Solver and Manager v 1.03 Its a very powerful and light program to solve and manage your equations quickly and easily. You can organize them in groups and create or delete a group or simply an equation. At last you can decide to use the normal or the numeric solving. Physic Pack (physicsolver.zip) available in my page. |
 | physicsolver.zip | 89k | 06-11-18 |  | Physics Pack Includes 138 equations subdivided in 24 groups (Velocity, Acceleration, Forces, Vectors, Motion 2D, Universal Gravity, Momentum, Power & Work, Kinetic Energy, Thermal Energy, States of Matter, Waves, Reflection, Mirror & Lenses, Light Diffraction, Electric Fields, Electric Currents, Circuits, Magnetic Fields, Induction, E. M. Fields, Quantum Theory, The Atom and a Miscellaneous) that can be used with Equation Solver and Manager (eqman.zip, available in my page), all that in 6 KB! |
 | diffeqn92.zip | 79k | 06-10-27 |  | Differential Equation Solver v 2.03 Calculates a lot of differential equations (also of nth degree) and saves the solution in a new function ready to use. Litteral calculation improved. A bug fixed. |
 | pntarea92.zip | 37k | 06-10-27 |  | Point's Area This program calculates the area of a convex polygon given the matrix of vertexes. |
 | curves92.zip | 149k | 06-10-27 |  | Advanced 2D/3D Curve Analysis The program analyses a parametric 3D curve and calculates length barycenter, curvilinear abscissa scalar and vectorial curvilinear integrals, potential and more over. All results can be saved and reloaded in a second time. |
 | datamanager92.zip | 416k | 06-10-27 |  | Data Manager v 1.03 Data Manager is a very useful program that allows an easy and fast management of all data on your TI, in every fold. It is particularly useful with numeric data because it can interpolate two data rows choosing column and requested value. Scientific data packs are also available. Interpolation improved. |
 | cvpolyg.zip | 40k | 06-10-27 |  | Polygon Analysis Calculates area, perimeter and centre of gravity of a polygon given vertexes in whatever their order may be. In case of one or more points inside the polygon the program calculates also the barycentre of all the points. |
 | connet92.zip | 160k | 06-10-27 |  | Automatic Control Networks Analysis v 1.04 It's a very powerful program that allows an advanced analysis in Bode diagram of a transfer function and of a user entered control network. You can try different solutions and analyze their fundamental parameters: 0 decibel frequency, phase margin, gain margin and eventually peaks. You can also chose and trace different types of drawing: real and asymptotic TF graph and phase graph. |
 | cof2d.zip | 62k | 06-10-27 |  | Center of Gravity 2D This function calculates the center of gravity of a convex polygon given the matrix of vertexes. |
 | cnvhull92.zip | 38k | 06-10-27 |  | Convex Hull Area This program calculates the area of a 2D convex hull given a matrix of points (order is not important). |
 | charmat.zip | 82k | 06-10-15 |  | Matrix Characteristic Its a very simple and light function that calculates the characteristic of a matrix that is the dimension of the biggest contained determinant. |
 | golden89.zip | 22k | 06-04-19 |  | Golden Ratio (All TI's & DOS) Each program finds the Golden Ratio and stores it to B. The DOS version simply tells you the Golden Ratio and shows the same math as the TI versions (but MUCH faster). |
 | pythag89.zip | 27k | 06-04-15 |  | Optimal Pythagorean Solvers This solves for any variable in the Pythagorean Theorem. It's made in TI-Basic for all TI's; QBasic for IBM PC DOS; and z80 asm on the 83+ & 86. All TI-Basic version have been optimized extensively and tested for errors. |
 | analyticgeometry2.1pro92.zip | 306k | 05-09-04 |  | Analytic geometry 2.2 Pro The most comprehensive analytic geometry program for TI-89 and TI-92. You can enter points, vectors, lines and planes and then solve many problems as distances, intersections, angles (variances), rotating and much more. Help with a lot of formulas is also included, so your 45 minutes exam will take only 5 :-). Current language localizations: ENG, ITA, CZ. Nice tutorial is added! |
 | unitcircle.zip | 11k | 05-07-28 |  | Graphical Unit Circle Displays a graphical unit circle with the degree and radian angle measure when a degree or radian measure angle is given |
 | onmathpolyco.zip | 22k | 05-05-10 |  | ON-Math polyco This program takes a polynomial, raises it to a power and builds a histogram of exponents versus coefficients. |
 | bezout92.zip | 1k | 04-11-20 |  | Bezout Bezout relation |
 | lgib20.zip | 15k | 04-11-20 |  | General Fibonacci Final Digits 2.5 Function developed for the high-speed calculation of the final digits of any Generalized Fibonacci Number G(a,b,n). Configurable to calculate any number of final digits up to two hundred or more. Configuration is now nearly twice as fast. Returns twenty digits in less than 8sec on the V200 - 17sec absolute worst case. Available for the TI-89/ 92Plus/ V200. Added a version for the TI-92. Example: Last eighty digits of the trillionth Lucas Number are returned in 12.8sec and are ... 8107402237 8151629520 2428526180 8761835664 0376812699 1914147577 6463747024 5361328127 |
 | hfib.zip | 22k | 04-09-27 |  | Big Fibonacci Calculator v1.7 Calculates, in just a couple seconds, very large Fibonacci Numbers that would normally exceed the calculator's abilities. These functions are now extended to include the Lucas Numbers or any other Generalized Fibonacci sequence. The companion functions provide further information useful for the study of the digits of any Generalized Fibonacci sequence. Examples: The one-trillionth Fibonacci Number has 208987640250 digits and begins 425842268899. The last eight digits of the one-billionth Lucas Number are 61328127. Included are versions and source code for TI-92/92+/V200, and also the TI-89 Titanium. |
 | rneval.zip | 1k | 04-09-13 |  | RANDY'S Notation Evaluator RN is a turing-complete language which only uses parentheses. This function is an interpreter for it. |
 | phsolve.zip | 64k | 04-09-11 |  | Physic Solver Pro v 1.02 The smallest and most powerful physic solver to pass your exams without difficulty: 140 equations in a fast and easy to use 7 KB program that also supports both normal and numeric solving. |
 | stepmat92.zip | 75k | 04-09-06 |  | Step Matrix v 1.02 The program returns the reduced row echelon form of a matrix (n,n+1) or the inverse of a square matrix (also with undefined variables) step-by-step choosing automatically, stores all steps (if you want) and checks the result for maximum certainly. |
 | palsol.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Palindrome Solver This program takes and inputted number and finds its "Palindrome". A "Palindrome" is a something that can be read in the same way backwards as it can forwards. |
 | wurf10.zip | 1k | 04-07-24 |  | Wurf v.1.0 Calculates and plots the parabola of a thrown object, then creates a table. The program is in German. More information at: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/programmieren6.html |
 | ulam.zip | 1k | 04-07-24 |  | Ulam Calculates and plots the numbers resulting from Ulam's "3N+1"-Algorithm. |
 | bconv.zip | 1k | 04-07-24 |  | base converter Converts hexadecimal/binary/decimal numbers. |
 | abstand.zip | 3k | 04-07-24 |  | Abstand Includes 15 subprograms for calculating distances between various 1- and 2-dimensional objects (lines, planes,..) in vector format. The whole way of solution is shown. The program is in German. More information at: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/programmieren6.html |
 | fall131.zip | 3k | 04-07-15 |  | Fall v.1.3.1 This program calculates and analyses a falling object graphically. Parameters that can be specified are: Starting height/velocity, gravitation constant, mass, medium density, area, cw-value. Included is a list of typical of these values. The program is in German. More information at: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/programmieren6.html |
 | trigono.zip | 1k | 04-07-15 |  | Trigono Calculates all relevant data of a triangle based on 3 specified parameters (angles and/or side lengths) |
 | polygon92.zip | 12k | 04-07-15 |  | Regular Polygons Calculates the area of a regular polygon given side length and number of sides. |
 | routh.zip | 6k | 04-03-28 |  | Routh v. 2.00 The function analyzes the stability of a transfer function calculating poles signs and returns the Routh table of polynomial expression, also with parameters. It's ideal for exams. Now with a new algorithm for better intelligible results. |
 | antirand68k.zip | 2k | 04-03-03 |  | Central Tendancies Graphics These programs, for the TI-89 -- V200, graphically show how TI's random routine isn't truly random. |
 | area92.zip | 1k | 04-01-03 |  | Approximating Area under a curve enter a function, lower bound, upper bound, and the amount of equal subintervals and it will find the area using four methods, left rectangle area method, right rectangle area method, midpoint rectangle area method, and trapezoid rule. |
 | multifun92.zip | 59k | 03-11-30 |  | Multiple Functions Editor Allows easier analysis of large functions through examining discrete intervals. |
 | routh92.zip | 6k | 03-11-29 |  | Routh The function analyzes the stability of a transfer function calculating poles signs. The function returns the Routh table of a polynomial expression also with parameters. It's ideal for exams. |
 | sort.zip | 21k | 03-11-29 |  | Sort The classic sort commands are now able to return a value and can be used also in a function, not only in a program like TIs default versions. |
 | regres92.zip | 56k | 03-11-24 |  | Regression Synthetizer v 2.00 This program finds the best regression or a requested one given two lists of values and saves it. The new version traces the plot and the regressed function and shows the maximum error of regression. |
 | surfaces92.zip | 55k | 03-11-24 |  | Surfaces Analysis Assistant The program analyses a parametric 3D surface and calculates Jacob matrix, characteristic, area, tangent plane, flux, surface integral and more over. All results can be saved and reloaded in a second time. |
 | pntlines92.zip | 86k | 03-11-24 |  | Points & Lines Geometry Assistant The program analyses a lot of analytic geometry problems with points and lines: line notation conversion, line across two points, lines intersection, line bisector, orthogonal lines, point on line projection, line-symmetric point, point-line distance, segment medium point and more over. The result is displayed in function or parametric graph mode and it can be saved for a future utilization. All data can be entered either in function or parametric notation. |
 | comsquar.zip | 1k | 03-08-08 |  | Completing the Square v1.0 This program does "completing the square" and displays work at every step. Fractions and radicals are kept in their simplest form, and not converted to decimals (provided your calculator is in AUTO or EXACT mode). It also will return imaginary roots, if necessary. This is VERY useful for math classes from Algebra I to Precalculus. Please note that sometimes the final answer looks a smidge goofy (all of the work is fine, however), so you might want to use the calculator's solve function to see how the answer should be written. Please let me know if the program happens to throw any incredibly heinous results at any point. This file contains programs for the 89, 92, 92+, and V200. |
 | primes89_2.zip | 5k | 03-07-17 |  | Prime Factoror This factors ANY # into primes, with negative and decimal support (1st time ever). |
 | powergen.zip | 5k | 03-07-17 |  | Power Generator This generates a list of power. Type in "powergen(x,a,b)" and you'll be shown x^a through x^b. |
 | powroot.zip | 6k | 03-06-19 |  | Any Root Finder (Guess-n-Check Method) This is simple to use. You input the number, the root you want to find (2 for square, 3 for cube, etc), and how many decimal places. It'll only show the TI's limit in decimal places, but is pretty cool nonetheless. Quickly made for every TI. |
 | pascal68k.zip | 3k | 03-06-03 |  | Pascal's Triangle Matrix This stores many rows of pascals triangle to a matrix for easy viewing. Just type in 'pascal(x)' where x is the number of rows. When finished type in pas to see the matrix. |
 | pieuler89.zip | 2k | 03-05-18 |  | Pi: Euler's Method This package of programs for all TI's quickly converges to pi using one of Euler's methods. |
 | geommean92.zip | 1k | 03-05-12 |  | Geometric Mean Finder Installs functions for finding geometric means. |
 | quadrati.zip | 1k | 03-03-08 |  | Quadratic Formula Solver There are many Quadratic solvers, but this one is simple and right to the point. No messing around. Just enter the 3 coefficients and boom, you have your 2 answers. |
 | precal92.zip | 5k | 03-03-05 |  | PreCalculus Programs A collection of programs from my precal book, Precalculus with Limits A Graphing Approach. Check readme for specifics. |
 | unitconversions.zip | 3k | 02-09-30 |  | Engineering Unit Conversions A high precision unit converter for students and profesionals. |
 | diffeq92.zip | 17k | 02-04-05 |  | Differential Equation 92 Calculates a lot of differential equation (also of third degree) and saves the solution in a new function ready to use. |
 | rmnumeral92.zip | 6k | 02-03-07 |  | Roman Numeral Converter v1.0 This is an update of my the previous Roman Numeral conversion program. I fixed several bugs in the algorithm as well as the "A TEST DID NOT RESOLVE..." bug. This should be pretty much error-free. |
 | acalcprgs.zip | 5k | 02-02-16 |  | A+ Assorted Calculus Programs This is a collection of several programs I have recently been working on. They are all calculus-related, except for a program to solve three equations simultaneously. I have included programs to help you use Newton's Method to approximate roots for the Nth iteration, a program for finding tangent points on a curve to a given point, a program for finding tangent points on two curves (tangent to each other), programs for both the regular Mean Value Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem for integrals, and the aforementioned program for solving three equations. These should help you speed up some tedious calculations in calculus class. |
 | funkshun1.11for92.zip | 36k | 02-02-10 |  | Funkshun v1.11 This program allows you to study a function, and its main features are : drawing the array of variations and find the asymptots. It's compatible with TI-92, TI-92 II, TI-92+ and TI-89; moreover, there are both english and french versions. ___ Ce programme permet d'étudier une fonction, et ses principales utilités sont de dessiner le tableau de variations, ainsi que de trouver les asymptotes. Le programme est compatible TI-92, TI-92 II, TI-92+ et TI-89. De plus, il est disponible en version anglaise ou française. |
 | conic92.zip | 6k | 02-02-10 |  | Grand Unified Conic Program92 Hangles any conic, general or standard, rotated or not |
 | randnumber.zip | 1k | 02-01-01 |  | Random Number Generator Generates a random number based on the given domain. |
 | maths3.zip | 18k | 01-12-22 |  | Mathématiques en S Ensemble de programmes de maths couvrant la majorité du programme de maths en S (1ère et Tal). Sont fournis entre autre uen étude de fonction complète (avec tableau de variation, recherche des asymptotes, tracé avec tangentes horizontales...), des utilitaires permettant de passer l'arithmétique, la géométrie analytique (dans l'espace comme dans le plan), ou avoir accès simplement au fonction de base de la calculatrice. |
 | nme.zip | 5k | 01-12-16 |  | nme This program contain tools to find the zeros of a function and watch its graph, and you can calculate the numeric integral of a function, even if is not explicit, and there is the Lagrange's interpolation method too. |
 | smr92.zip | 2k | 01-06-15 |  | Stepwise Matrix Reduction v1.2 This program applies and shows the three elemental operations: 1) row swap, 2) multiply a row by an expression and 3) row add. Supports undefined variables, and creates a registry of applied operations. Este programa aplica y muestra las tres operaciones elementales: 1) intercambio de filas, 2) multiplicar una fila por un escalar y 3) suma de filas. Soporta variables indefinidas y permite crear un registro de las operaciones realizadas. |
 | trisolve2.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | TriSolve v1.1 TriSolve v1.1combines an easy-to-use interface with a powerful triangle solving program. When given a combination of any three angle measures or side lengths of a triangle, TriSolve solves for the values of the other three, and the area of the given triangle. TriSolve displays the answers in either exact or approximate values, and gives an option of whether or not to save the values when TriSolve is exited. The new version includes fixes of a few minor bugs. |
 | gamma92.zip | 2k | 01-06-01 |  | Gamma Function v1.0 It's approximation of gamma function with accuracy 1e-10 even for x<0 |
 | erosion.zip | 18k | 01-06-01 |  | (Dé)codage et érosion des matrices booléennes Ce programme est un exposé complet sur le codage/décodage des matrices booléennes sous une forme ressemblant à PowerPoint. Il décrit, explique et fournit des exemples sur le codage de matrices booléennes et leur érosion suivant les techniques chessboard et city block. Des programmes et fonctions sont inclues. En français (French only) |
 | acst.zip | 131k | 01-06-01 |  | Automatic Control Systems Toolbox v.3.0 Automatic Control Systems Toolbox (ACST) it's a powerful toolbox to design, analyze and simulate (control) systems. ACST has powerful tools for: *systems design by: specifying poles and zeros of the transfer function; specifying the state-space (SS) model; connecting two MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems by: series connection; parallel connection; feedback connection. system analysis by: Bode plots (MIMO systems); Nichols chart (MIMO systems); Nyquist diagram (MIMO systems); Gain and Phase margins (MIMO systems); Root locus (SISO systems); Poles-Zeros map (SISO systems). systems simulation(*) by: step response (SISO systems); impulse response (SISO systems); generic multiple input response (MIMO systems). save and modify graphical outputs. **What it's new in version 3.0**: new LTI systems modelling that allow to set the input delay separately by the LTI transfer function to speed up the analysis of systems; now you can use auto frequency ranging for Bode, Nichols and Nyquist analysis; more flexible systems' simulation(*); specific command to create MIMO systems using SISO systems; bugs fixed; faster. |
 | ecartype.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | Ecartype v1.00 Ecartype est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer l'ecart-type d'une liste de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | dx_y.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | dx_y v1.00 dx_y est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer la droite de régression dx(y). L'équation de la droite est donnée dans le repère yox puis dans xoy. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | dy_x.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | dy_x v1.00 dy_x est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer la droite de régression dy(x). L'équation de la droite est donnée dans le repère xoy. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | mohr.zip | 6k | 01-05-08 |  | Mohr v1.00 MOHR est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer les contraintes et de tracer le cercle de Mohr des contraintes mais aussi de calculer les déformations et de tracer le cercle de Mohr des déformations. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient la mécanique et la résistance des matériaux entre autres. |
 | cumdecr.zip | 3k | 01-05-08 |  | Cumdecr v1.00 Cumdecr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Ce programme nécessite l'utilitaire "revlist" (inclus dans ce fichier zip) à installer dans le même répertoire que cumdecr ! Il permet de calculer les cumulés décroissant d'une liste. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | revlist.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | Revlist v1.00 Revlist est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet d'inverser une liste. ex : {a,b,c} => {c,b,a}. |
 | coefcorr.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | Coefcorr v1.00 Coefcorr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer le coefficient de corrélation de deux listes. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | freqdecr.zip | 3k | 01-05-08 |  | Freqdecr v1.00 Freqdecr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer les fréquences cumulées décroissantes d'une liste de variables. Ce programme nécessite l'utilitaire "revlist" disponible dans ce fichier zip) à installer dans le même répertoire que cumdecr ! Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | freqcroi.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | Freqcroi v1.00 Freqcroi est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer les fréquences cumulées croissantes d'une liste de variables. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | utilstat.zip | 2k | 01-05-08 |  | Utilstat v1.00 Utilstat est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer : _la somme des xi, yi, xi^2, yi^2 et xi*yi,_la moyenne des xi, yi, xi^2, yi^2 et xi*yi. Le résultat est donné sous forme de matrice/tableau, chaque membre des listes est affiché, et les sommes et les médianes se trouvent en-bas de la matrices après la ligne '*********************'. |
 | cumcroi.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | Cumcroi v1.00 Cumcroi est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer les cumulés croissants d'une liste. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | mediane.zip | 2k | 01-05-08 |  | Mediane v1.00 Mediane est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer la médiane d'une liste de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | medclass.zip | 2k | 01-05-08 |  | Medclass v1.00 Medclass est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer la médiane (2° quartile), le 1° et le 3° quartile d'une série classée de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | moyenne.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | Moyenne v1.00 Moyenne est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer la moyenne d'une liste de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | moincarr.zip | 1k | 01-05-08 |  | Moincarr v1.00 Moincarr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer l'équation de la droite d'un ajustement linéaire par la méthode des moindres carrés. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | anageom.zip | 88k | 01-04-29 |  | Analytic Geometry v2.0 The most comprehensive geometry (analytic) program for TI-89 and TI-92. You can enter points, vectors, lines and planes and then solve many problems as distances, intersections, angles, rotating and much more. Help with a lot of formulas is also included, so your 45 minutes exam will take only 5 :-). PLANES and a lot of 3D functions are supported now! Little bug fix and ungrouped version is added. |
 | lineq.zip | 1k | 01-04-29 |  | Simultaneous Solving of Linear Equations Solves, for instance, 2 equations with 2 unknowns. |
 | points.zip | 1k | 01-04-29 |  | Points Formulas v1.0 Provides distance, midpoint, and slope of two points, in addition to the equation of the line containing both points and the equation of the perpendicular bisector of that line. |
 | quad92.zip | 2k | 01-04-18 |  | QuadForm-92 6.4 Quadratic Equation Solver - solves quadratic equations gives coefficients, roots, or three points |
 | bezout.zip | 10k | 01-03-25 |  | Bezout Ce programme calcule les coefficients de Bezout, le PGCD et le PPCM avec les étapes (= tableau) |
 | f0.zip | 2k | 01-02-20 |  | F0 Un triple solveur d'équation f(x)=0 |
 | gcf.zip | 1k | 01-02-15 |  | Greatest Common Factor Greatest Common Factor program. can find the GCF or 2 or MORE # (ex: 12,15,21) |
 | pascal1.zip | 1k | 01-02-04 |  | Pascal Triangle Row Finder see readme |
 | linsys.zip | 19k | 01-02-01 |  | General Linear System Solver TI-Basic program to solve linear systems giving symbolic solutions to underdetermined systems and exact numeric solutions to exactly determined systems. |
 | fibonac.zip | 1k | 01-01-29 |  | Fibonacci This function calculates the fibonacci(n) number neither iterative nor recoursive, but using a somehow complicated formula implemented in Mathematica. |
 | romain.zip | 1k | 01-01-04 |  | Romain Fonctions de conversion de nomres en chiffres romains |
 | asymptot.zip | 9k | 00-12-24 |  | Asymptots Gives the equations of vertical, horizontal and some obliques asymptots |
 | smr.zip | 4k | 00-12-10 |  | Stepwise Matrix Reduction v1.1 This program applies and shows the three elemental operations: 1) row swap, 2) multiply a row by an expression and 3) row add. Supports undefined variables, and creates a registry of applied operations. Este programa aplica y muestra las tres operaciones elementales: 1) intercambio de filas, 2) multiplicar una fila por un escalar y 3) suma de filas. Soporta variables indefinidas y permite crear un registro de las operaciones realizadas. |
 | simplex.zip | 10k | 00-12-10 |  | SIMPLEX v1.2.2 (English & Spanish) Easy to use Simplex, with tableaux creator and Stepwise option. Fully compatible between TI-89, 92, 92-Plus. Simplex fácil de usar, con creador de tabla y resolución Paso por Paso. Completamente compatible con TI-89, 92, 92-Plus. |
 | crypt.zip | 18k | 00-12-10 |  | Crypt92 BETA 2/3 The second release of the only cryptography software for TI calculators. |
 | bc.zip | 2k | 00-11-13 |  | Base Converter (2 -> 242) Convert from 2nd to the 242th base and even numbers with decimal part. |
 | bodex.zip | 77k | 00-10-20 |  | BodeX v2.2.1 BodeX v.2.2.1 FOR TI-92, TI-89 AND TI-92+. What's new in version 2.2.1:new routine for faster plotting; now you can specify the time delay separately by system; routine for auto setting of frequency range; in Split Screen Mode you can have plot info for MAG or Phase plot; a simple set of graph tools to elaborate plots; user's manual in PDF. BodeX has full semilog grid and use a powered routine to plot the phase plot of a transfer function (don't use simply the angle() function). The BodeX routines ensure the correct phase plot any W(s) it's plotted. http://www.92brothers.net/ |
 | period.zip | 5k | 00-10-01 |  | Period This function give you the period of a trigonometric function |
 | defdom.zip | 4k | 00-10-01 |  | Definition Domain This function give you the possibility to obtain a boolean expression which is the definition domain of a function |
 | vbetude.zip | 8k | 00-09-17 |  | VBEtude de fonction 1.00.08 Le meilleur qui existe en version Francaise, rapide, légé, sûre, et complet |
 | laplacex.zip | 17k | 00-09-01 |  | LaplaceX v1.1 Perform Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms. Bugs of beta ver. and v.1.1fixed |
 | ti92edit.zip | 12k | 00-07-20 |  | Edit Math editor (english and french) for writing math and physic symbols (texte saved as picture)s symbol |
 | mathen.zip | 55k | 00-07-18 |  | Maths en 1èreS v2.0 (French) Maths programs for french (or other) pupils. It includes a lot of little programs which are really usualy in maths. |
 | mathsen1e.zip | 56k | 00-07-08 |  | Maths en 1ere S v2.0 (French) General mathematic programs for french pupils (or others) |
 | koni.zip | 7k | 00-06-02 |  | Koni v2.8 A conic analyzer which tells you the nature , definition, and characteristics of a conic section. Also graphs it. English and French versions. |
 | simplex1.zip | 12k | 00-05-15 |  | SIMPLEX (English/Spanish) Easy to use Simplex, with tableaux creator and Stepwise option. Simplex fácil de usar con creador de tabla y opción Paso a Paso. |
 | cmu92.zip | 1k | 00-05-01 |  | Computer Memory Units Adds computer memory units to your calc |
 | g92form.zip | 9k | 00-04-26 |  | Geometry 92 PLUS v2.9 awsome formulas for geometry. Volume, surface areas, perimeter, base area, conversions .ext (version 2.9) |
 | msy2kvb.zip | 1485k | 00-03-03 |  | TI-Source Math Suite 2000, Second Series The TI-Source Math Suite 2000, Second Series, is a collection of professional mathematics software for the TI-89, TI-92 and TI-92 Plus. Included is illustrated 42 page documentation, quadratic solver, on-calc math reference library, simult solver (like 85/86 simult solver), linear equation tool (2D and 3D), math suite manager (pre-defined custom menus, global suite settings), numeric converter (bin, hex, dec, oct, BCD, length, time, volume, temperature), geometry toolbox (area and vol tools, pythagorean util, trig functions, triangle solver), custom application launcher, interpolate editor, easy statistics program, calculator manager, xroot function, frac function, export data between programs, save answers or variables, much much more. Requires from 25 KB to 165 KB free on your calculator, depending on your sub-version choice: Plus or Compact. |
 | choleskyd.zip | 1k | 00-02-29 |  | Cholesky Detail Décomposition de Cholesky d'une matrice avec les détails |
 | convert2.zip | 5k | 00-02-27 |  | Convertomatic 2.1 Unit converter (length, force, volume, speed, power, temperature. etc) with options such as: show work, significant figures, and scientific notation |
 | anova2.zip | 2k | 00-02-08 |  | ANOVA2 Analyse des variances à 2 facteurs |
 | convert1.zip | 5k | 00-02-08 |  | Convertomatic 2.11 Unit converter (length, force, volume, speed, power, temperature. etc) with options such as: show work, significant figures, and scientific notation |
 | multequ.zip | 1k | 00-01-08 |  | Multiple Equations v1.0 Multiple Equations is a small but useful program that solves for the common solutions of 2 or 3 equations using determinants. |
 | trisolv2.zip | 6k | 99-12-29 |  | TriSolve v1.0 Out of all of the triangle solving programs out there, TriSolve is the best. When given a combination of any three angle measures or side lengths of a triangle, TriSolve solves for the values of the other three, and the area of the given triangle. TriSolve displays the answers in either Exact or Approximate, and gives an option of whether or not to save the values when TriSolve is exited. |
 | croot.zip | 3k | 99-12-29 |  | Roots of a Complex Number This program calculates all n nth-roots of a complex number and saves the set of roots as a list. |
 | diagonal.zip | 1k | 99-12-08 |  | Diagonal v0.1 Diagonalizes square matrices into the form A=PDP^-1. |
 | matrix.zip | 3k | 99-09-14 |  | MATRIX v1.0 Beta MATRIX (French version) to help you in matrix studies. |
 | lincong.zip | 1k | 99-07-26 |  | Linear Congruence Solver This program solves for all x such that: Ax is congruent to B (mod C), it also finds inverses mod C. |
 | aint2.zip | 1k | 99-07-13 |  | Area-Integration Corrects integration bug inherent in the TI-92. |
 | aint.zip | 1k | 99-06-21 |  | Areaintegration Calculates integrals correctly |
 | psimath.zip | 8k | 99-05-18 |  | PSI Math Tools v1.52 A collection of math tools for your TI-92. |
 | jfbase.zip | 1k | 99-05-01 |  | Base Converter Small base converter to encode words, if you want to. Converts anywhere between the second and 37th base. |
 | triangle2.zip | 29k | 99-04-02 |  | Everything Triangles Triangle Solver |
 | nint.zip | 2k | 99-03-25 |  | Integration Tools 1.0 This program performs numerical integration using a couple of differnet methods. It includes the ability to do RAM, Trapezoidal Rule, and Simpson's Rule. For RAM it will show a visualization for you. |
 | ssolve.zip | 1k | 99-03-09 |  | SSolve v1.0.1 A function to solve linear equation systems. |
 | tab3d.zip | 1k | 99-03-03 |  | 3D Function Table creates a table for a 3d function |
 | newton.zip | 1k | 99-03-03 |  | Newton's Method |
 | convert92.zip | 1k | 99-03-03 |  | Unit Conversion v1.3 Unit Conversion similar to TI 85 or TI 86. |
 | pyth.zip | 1k | 98-09-24 |  | Pythagorean Theorem A simple Pythagorean Theorem program. |
 | digit92.zip | 1k | 98-09-19 |  | Digit v2.00 This program will add all the digits in a number until it gets to one digit. |
 | dotplot.zip | 1k | 98-09-18 |  | Dotplot 92 Makes dotplots for use in statistics. |
 | simult2.zip | 1k | 98-09-16 |  | Simult2 Program to solve systems of equations. |
 | tablvare.zip | 2k | 98-08-15 |  | TAB v1.0 Table of variation. Program to study functions. French version. |
 | trig12.zip | 1k | 98-08-09 |  | Trig - Chapter 12 Law of cosines, law of sines, and area of triangles. |
 | trig9.zip | 1k | 98-08-09 |  | Trigonometry 9 Distance and midpoint formulas, equation of a circle, and find numbers of a circle equation. |
 | trifunc.zip | 1k | 98-08-09 |  | Triangle Function Function that tells you if a triangle exists for three given lengths. |
 | trisolve.zip | 1k | 98-08-09 |  | Triangle Solver v1.0 Solves for unknown information in a triangle. |
 | stuff.zip | 3k | 98-08-08 |  | Stuff v1.0 Math program with many formulas and solvers for algebra and geometry. |
 | sys.zip | 1k | 98-08-08 |  | System of Linear Equations Solves a system of 2-8 linear squations. French version. |
 | ptgrian.zip | 1k | 98-08-07 |  | Pythagorean Theorem Function that will solve for either a, b, or c given the other two values. |
 | nroot.zip | 1k | 98-08-07 |  | Nth Root Simplifies the nth root of a number. |
 | logn.zip | 1k | 98-08-07 |  | Log Solver Function that solves A^C=B given any two values. |
 | logbase.zip | 1k | 98-08-07 |  | Log Base Converter Converts between different log bases. |
 | interest.zip | 1k | 98-08-07 |  | Interest Calculates the value of your principle after a given amount of time given the interest rate and the type of interest (simple or compound). Also can calculate the time it will take for your principle to reach a certain value. |
 | heros.zip | 1k | 98-08-07 |  | Hero's Formula Function that solves Hero's formula. |
 | goods.zip | 5k | 98-08-07 |  | The Goods v1.0 Huge math utility program that includes algebra, geometry, trig, and physics. |
 | flight.zip | 1k | 98-08-07 |  | Flight v1.1 Beta Graphs the flight of an object given the gravity, velocity, angle, height, and wind factor. Also gives you the time of impact, maximum height, and the distance traveled. |
 | etude.zip | 3k | 98-08-07 |  | Etude v3.0 Gives information about a given function. |
 | euler.zip | 4k | 98-08-07 |  | Euler's Method v2.0 Gives an approximate solution for an ordinary differential equation. Spanish version. |
 | gravedad.zip | 1k | 98-08-06 |  | Calculate the Center of Gravity v1.1 Calculates the center of gravity of figures. |
 | escala.zip | 1k | 98-08-05 |  | Autocalc v1.3 Converter of scales. Spanish version. |
 | drv.zip | 2k | 98-08-05 |  | Drv v1.1 Many mathematical functions. |
 | cholesky.zip | 1k | 98-08-05 |  | Cholesky Matrix Decomposition Computes Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite matrix. |
 | cis.zip | 1k | 98-08-04 |  | Rectangular and Polar Conversion Converts between rectangular and polar coordinates. |
 | unit.zip | 3k | 98-08-04 |  | TI-92 Unit Conversion v1.1 Unit conversion tools. |
 | base.zip | 2k | 98-08-04 |  | Base Conversion v1.0 Beta Converts between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary numbers. |
 | aio.zip | 2k | 98-08-04 |  | All In One v1.5 Collection of math programs that include a calculator, solver, facotring, quadratic solver, completing the square, slope solving, and base conversion. |
 | adv.zip | 12k | 98-08-04 |  | Advanced Math v1.1 Many advanced mathematics solvers and features. |
 | julia.zip | 1k | 98-07-30 |  | Julian Fractal Generator Generates a fractal based on a real and imaginary constant. |
 | hexi.zip | 8k | 98-07-22 |  | Hexi Tools v0.4 Conversion between hexadecimal, binary, and decimal numbers. |
 | ntheory.zip | 28k | 98-06-19 |  | Number Theory Programs v2.01 A library of algorithms and functions. |
 | proba.zip | 1k | 98-06-17 |  | Probas v1.0 Program to study probability in math. French version. |
 | fnc92lt.zip | 2k | 98-06-17 |  | Func 92 Lite v1.1 F A program that analyzes a function you type in. French version. |
 | logicfs.zip | 5k | 98-05-27 |  | Logic Function Somplifier v2.0 Simplifies logic functions using the algorithm of Quine Mc Cluskey. |
 | sipp.zip | 1k | 98-05-09 |  | Integration by Part v1.1 Integration by Part. French version. |
 | logic.zip | 5k | 98-04-29 |  | Logic v1.0 Logic created truth tables and switching networks. Displays them in a graphical output. |
 | torseur.zip | 2k | 98-04-22 |  | Torseur Torseur. Documentation included as a TI-92 text file. French version. |
 | pascal.zip | 1k | 98-04-22 |  | Pascal's Triangle Puts a given row of Pascal's Triangle into a matrix. French version. |
 | conik.zip | 1k | 98-04-22 |  | Conik Programs that deals with parabolas, hyperbolas, and ellipses. French version. |
 | geom92.zip | 1k | 98-04-19 |  | Geometry Toolbox 92 A little program to help you out with geometry. |
 | grmschmt.zip | 1k | 98-04-12 |  | Gram-Schmidt Process on Three Vectors Performs the Gram-Schmidt process on 3 vectors. You can also perform this process on 2 vectors, enter the last vector as a zero vector. |
 | dms.zip | 1k | 98-04-09 |  | Distance Formula, Midpoint, and Slope Computes the distance between two points, the midpoint between two points, and the slope of the line that connects two points. |
 | sums.zip | 2k | 98-03-12 |  | Sums v1.3 Displays LHS, RHS, Simpson's, Trapezoidal, and Midpoint estimations of a definite integral. Also displays error compared to exact value of the definite integral. |
 | lrs.zip | 1k | 98-03-11 |  | Calculate Riemann Sums to Evaluate a Definite Integral Evaluate a definite integral. |
 | word.zip | 1k | 98-02-20 |  | Word Solver v1.01 A program that allows you to easily set up rate*time=distance problems. You can only solve for one variable. |
 | vector.zip | 2k | 98-02-20 |  | Vector Solver v1.21 CrossP, DotP, addition, subtraction, conversion, magnitude, and angle of vectors. |
 | trigfunc.zip | 1k | 98-02-20 |  | Trigonometric Function Collection Collection of functions useful in trig and calculus. |
 | triang.zip | 1k | 98-02-20 |  | Triangle Wizard v0.3 Includes SSS, SSA, SAS, SAA, and ASA. |
 | sdiv.zip | 1k | 98-02-20 |  | Synthetic Division Solver Solves synthetic division problems up to the 4th degree. |
 | mandel.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Mandel-92 v1.0 Draws the Mandelbrot Set. |
 | airwack.zip | 1k | 98-02-16 |  | Airwack v2.0 Collection of math programs including quadratic solver, complete the square, and decimal to fraction converter. |
 | convert.zip | 1k | 98-01-08 |  | Base Converter for Integers Converts integers from one base to another. |
 | fractal.zip | 2k | 98-01-08 |  | Fractal Drawer Program that draws fractals. |
 | dreieck.zip | 2k | 97-12-30 |  | Dreieck v2.0 Calculates all sides and angles of a triangle that is given by three outer pieces. The documentation is in English and the program is in German. |
 | grapher.zip | 1k | 97-12-17 |  | Grapher v1.1 A program to graph equations. Can graph in forms other than y=. |
 | whiz92.zip | 6k | 97-11-01 |  | Math Whiz 92 v1.1 Program that deals with sine/cosine properties, triangles, the distance formula, polygons, slope, midpoints, vectors, parabolas, the quadratic formula, and more. |
 | converter.zip | 2k | 97-10-22 |  | TI-92 Unit Converter v1.0 Unit conversion program with lots of categories including money, volumne, force, power, speed, area, pressure, time, and energy. |
 | vectors.zip | 1k | 97-10-05 |  | Vector Operations Vector addition, components, projection, dot product of vectors. For trig and physics. |
 | triglib.zip | 1k | 97-10-04 |  | Triglib Converts between radians and degrees, the distance formula, the law of cosines, and Heron's area formula. |
 | pi4996.zip | 3k | 97-09-15 |  | Pi to 4996 Decimal Places A text file that contains pi to 4996 places fr the decimal point. |
 | triangle.zip | 1k | 97-09-12 |  | Triangle Solver Solves for sides and angles of a triangle given the length of a side and two other pieces of information. |
 | basec.zip | 1k | 97-09-02 |  | Base Converter Converts from any base between 2 and 36 to any base between 2 and 36. |
 | econ.zip | 3k | 97-09-01 |  | Econ v1.3 Economics solver to find (P/F), rate of return, time value of a series, and deprication. |
 | loggraph.zip | 2k | 97-08-05 |  | Log Based Graphing Utility v2.0 This program will graph an equation or a statistical complication on a log-log or semi-log graphing coordinates. |
 | fraction.zip | 1k | 97-08-05 |  | Fraction-Simplifyer v1.0 Simplifies a fraction given its numerator and denominator. |
 | formula.zip | 1k | 97-08-05 |  | Function Maker v1.0 Finds a function given three points. |
 | cofact.zip | 1k | 97-07-29 |  | Cofactoring a Square Matrix A function that takes a square matrix argument and returns its matrix of cofactors. |
 | srref.zip | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Stepwise Row Reducing Echelon Form v1.0 A program to reduce matrices to reduced row echelon form, step by step, and show the results after each step. |
 | elem.zip | 5k | 97-07-23 |  | Elem v1.0 Elementary math program. |
 | primes.zip | 1k | 97-07-23 |  | Prime Numbers |
 | riemann.zip | 1k | 97-07-11 |  | Riemann Displays and calculates a riemann sum over a given interval. |
 | ktrig.zip | 1k | 97-05-19 |  | KTrig Sine and cosine laws, plus triangle area using SAS, SSS, ASA. |
 | baseconv.zip | 8k | 97-04-29 |  | Base Converter 2.0 A function that converts between different bases. |