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A 4 Level RPN emulator based on the HP-35 calculator.


Ranked as 36354 on our all-time top downloads list with 1043 downloads.

Filename rpn4_92.zip (Download)
Title A 4 Level RPN emulator based on the HP-35 calculator.
Description With this program you can understand and practice the RPN's logic with a comestible run speed. The 4 Level RPN is an early RPN version. A four level stack is sufficient even for very complex expressions. It was used first on the HP-35 calculator in 1972. The HP-35 was the first pocket calculator with transcendental functions and the first with RPN. The program is based on this machine. My goal was: To write a correct stack emulator of a more simple but faster scientific calculator. The emulator's functions are shown on the screen shots. What you see is what you get. IO screen programming: The controlled write command is the >Output< but it's very slow. The >Disp< is faster, but it isn't controllable. You can control the >Disp< with an empty >Output row,col,""< command. Tis file is the updated TI-92Plus program converted to TI-92 form.
Author George Litauszky (litauszky_gyorgy@t-online.hu)
Category TI-92 BASIC Math Programs
File Size 18,726 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 24 17:18:22 2010
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
VARS.92L   167
KEYTEST.92P   280
ONEARG.92P   1823
RPN.92P   1123
SCREEN.92P   1023
SHIFTDN.92P   202
SHIFTUP.92P   278
STDISP.92P   340
STORCL.92P   578
TWOARG.92P   615
XDISP.92P   273
XLINE.92P   139
DISP.gif   2831
KEYIN.gif   2825
RECALL.gif   3118
STORE.gif   3096
RPN4.txt   3245
ERRHDLR.92P   138

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