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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Choice Votes   Percent
I'm not going to school. 14 2.5%   
None. 8 1.4%   
1. 284 50.7%   
2. 192 34.3%   
3. 38 6.8%   
4. 9 1.6%   
5 or more. 15 2.7%   

Survey posted 2001-01-21 23:05 by Andy Selle.

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Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Edward Shore  Account Info

I don't go to school now (I graduated with a B.S. in Accounting in 1999), but when I was going to college I was either carrying the TI-85 until my last year of school when I got the TI-89. I usually (95% of the time) don't leave the house without at least one (now its the 92+ and 83+).

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 06:50 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?

I carry 2.

A TI 30X-IIS for the most basic math, and for other classes (like science), that just require simple stuff.

I use my TI-89 for real math.

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 17:26 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
KC5ZFZ  Account Info

For once I'm not in the majority, approx. 51% said one calc. I've always got my 86 and my casio calc/watch. Man, I love this watch.

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 19:39 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
BradN  Account Info

I usually have 2:
a crappy casio scientific one, and a casio Algebra FX 2.0, which i'm in the process of reverse engineering... see ccp.s5.com for more info on that :)

You're probably wondering what the heck I'm doing here if I don't even have a TI... the truth is there aren't really any good casio pages.

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 20:53 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
tom t  Account Info
(Web Page)

I only need on calculator unlike all u other weirdos carring 2 or more. I could see a little calc but 2 ti-80 and up is just crazy. Just get a ti-89 and all your calculating needs will be answered.

Reply to this comment    26 January 2001, 02:02 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Paul McCord  Account Info
(Web Page)

I used to carry my TI-89 and TI-83 when I was in statistics. Then TI finally released the Statistics and Finance Apps for the TI-89, and my TI-83 now sits on a shelf at home. I still kinda want a Silver TI-83+ though, just because...

Reply to this comment    26 January 2001, 05:12 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
doniguan  Account Info
(Web Page)

oy, you guys, more than one calculator is insane, but bringing other things like palm pilots or pspc's to school? i brought my casiopeia e100 to school once, and had it taken away because, "It was a distraction." The most calculators i have ever had in school would be 2, my scientific and graphing. BUT this year i need no scientific. I use my graphinc calulator and that is all i need. Having more than one calc is absurd. Unless you are some hungary game freak who must have an asormant of 4 calculators to keep them entertained. If you want games in school carry a gb...

Reply to this comment    26 January 2001, 17:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Jim Haskell  Account Info
(Web Page)

I agree with this to some degree, but I've got a good reason to carry both my 89 and my 83. I started with an 83, but halfway through Calc 1 I got an 89 (thank god I got it before we started integrating, OMFG too much algebra involved in Riemann sums =)) We had just learned the Trapezoid Rule and Simpson's Rule. Because there was too much button pushing for my taste, I started to write a program to do those for me (yes, I know an 89 and an 83 can do definite integrals, but I needed to reproduce the slight error that those two rules create in order to get the questions right, so nyahhhh =)) The other students started complaining, so my teacher payed me in batteries for my 83 (which I had cannibalized to feed my 89) to make programs for the 83 to computate definite integrals using the Trapezoid and Simpson's rules. It was cool =) So there is merit to having two or more calculators =)

Reply to this comment    27 January 2001, 01:58 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Mateus Account Info

I carry 2 calculators to school. The first one I have is a TI-83, the other is not a TI anymore. I have modified it to operate as a hard-drive. I have done this so I can store lots of math related stuff. I have also created a Windows 98. This runs on the primary calculator. I have done it so when I access a file, I takes it off of the other unit. When I save, It puts all the data onto the second unit. All that is left of the second unit is just the circuitery, and that is put into a flat plastic case. The modified TI unit, was onece a TI-83, but since the screen was shattered, I decided to use it as a hard-drive.
The hard-drive is detachable, so if I want to get another hard-drive, I just look around for broken TI units. I have a total of 50,000 bytes of memory altogether, given that both units don't have anything.

Reply to this comment    26 January 2001, 21:33 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?

I just carry my 86. I'm in 8th grade Alg Honors.

Reply to this comment    27 January 2001, 03:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Dan Henneberger  Account Info

Same here

Reply to this comment    27 January 2001, 23:01 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
The_Great_Piccolo Account Info
(Web Page)

I carry my trusty TI-83+ and my good ol' TI-30 solar

Reply to this comment    27 January 2001, 05:31 GMT

Is there another Band geek amongst us?
n1zdy  Account Info

The Great Piccolo? Interesting name.

The ti/Band geek

Reply to this comment    28 January 2001, 00:56 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
ajorians  Account Info

Hey, those little calculator watches count too. I am just messing around, but it is something to think about. I don't think anybody is counting it as one calculator they are bringing to school.

Reply to this comment    28 January 2001, 00:37 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Sean Barnes  Account Info
(Web Page)

I carry three. I have my 92+ for math class. Then I have my 86, just in case I'm not allowed to use the 92+. And then I have an HP scientific calculator for my chemistry class, since we're not allowed to use graphing calculators (previous years' students cheated with them).


Reply to this comment    28 January 2001, 05:46 GMT

I a  Account Info
(Web Page)

i can dress myself

Reply to this comment    28 January 2001, 08:51 GMT

Silent But Deadly

Really? I haven't quite mastered that yet. Could you teach me how? You know what I can do though? I can almost tie my own shoes!


Reply to this comment    28 January 2001, 18:38 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Nick Johnston  Account Info

I bring my TI-83 and my TI-92 Plus. My TI-83 is basically for my math class and my TI-92 Plus is now primarily for making games.

Reply to this comment    28 January 2001, 23:18 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
timagus  Account Info

I carry 5 or 6 calcs on average, a Ti-89, a Ti-85 (w/ backlight), a Ti-82 (my first calc), a Ti-30 something (2 line display), another Ti scientific calc, and some cheap pocket one. I always have the Ti-30 something and 89 with me, and most likely i'll have the others too. I'm planning on buying the 8x Silver Ed. and a Ti-86. And NO they are not ALL for games (mostly for chem, algebra2, and well heck games).

Reply to this comment    28 January 2001, 23:39 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
timagus  Account Info

Oh, i forgot to mention i carry my Ti-89 EVERYWHERE. I don't leave home without it, i even have it in my pocket at home and i put it at my bed-side at night. So i can program if i can't sleep or if i wake up in the midle of the night with a great idea ^.~

Reply to this comment    28 January 2001, 23:47 GMT

(Web Page)

i carry 3 calculaters to school i carry my 85 and 2 ti-83s. one of them the school issues out for free

Reply to this comment    29 January 2001, 00:05 GMT

Re: 3
I a  Account Info
(Web Page)

Aren't you amazing

Reply to this comment    29 January 2001, 01:36 GMT

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