[TI-M] Re: Spam on this list


[TI-M] Re: Spam on this list

Are you trying to unsub$cribe from this list?
Instructions are at http://www.ticalc.org/community/lists/

I copy-pasted the instructions below:
To unsub$cribe from a list on lists.ticalc.org, send an email
from the address you used when you sub$cribed (this is
important!) to:


Leave the subject line empty, and in the body of the
message, type:

UNSUB$CRIBE (listname)

where (listname) is the name of the mailing list you want
to unsub$cribe from. You should momentarily receive
confirmation from the mailing list server that you have
been successfully unsub$cribed.

(The dollar sign is there to make sure listar doesn't kick
me, you should read an "s" everywere you see a "$".)

Hope that helps,
Rob van Wijk

> use your head, remove yourself. no one else can do it for you. I bet if 
> you go to the same place that you subscribed to this list, that you just 
> may be able to unsubscribe, and thereby remove your self.
> Best Regards,
> Greg Dietsche
> GForce Programming:   http://calc.gregd.org
> Detached Solutions:      http://www.detachedsolutions.com

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