[TI-M] Re: graphing y(x,t) on Ti-86
[TI-M] Re: graphing y(x,t) on Ti-86
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<-----Original Message----->
>From: Matt
>Sent: 3/6/2002 5:25:17 PM
>To: ti-math@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [TI-M] graphing y(x,t) on Ti-86
>Is it possible to graph a function in the form of y(x,t) on the 86?
>If so can anyone tell me how it is done?
My TI is a model 82. Here is what can be done on it.
In Y1 write your equation.
Put a fixed value in T and graph.
This has to be done for each value of T.
The 89 can do Y(x, T), bue I don't know how.