[TI-M] Re: Math problem help
[TI-M] Re: Math problem help
> Hmmm, good point, but the radius actually doesn't affect the derivative at
> all except that it defines the circle.
But I think that someone needs to address that the sample point given _isn't
on_ the given circle. . .
> Also, within the context of the problem, I think the rate of change of y
> not dy/dx but dy/dt; i.e., the rate of change of y with respect to time
> (since the rate of change of x was given with respect to time). So you
> implicitly differentiate with respect to t rather than x...
> At least that's how I interpretted the problem...
Yes, you are correct. I misinterpreted what was being asked for. I better
not do that on Thursday =)
I suppose that's what happens when I'm answering math problems at 6:50 AM
before school =)