Re: TI-M: Dimensions
Re: TI-M: Dimensions
In a message dated 5/15/2000 7:31:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> At 11:45 PM 5/15/2000 +0200, you wrote:
> >Well, the obvious way in which 4-dimensions are drawn is as projections
> into
> >a three-d world, and these are studied rather like we can study a shadow
> >cast by a 3-d object onto a 2-d surface in order to work out what the 3-d
> >object looks like.
> >
> >There are some charming books about flatland (2-d beings) published in
> >Victorian times.
> Dimensions are just an arbitrary definiton thought up by humanity to make
> mathematics more simple.
> Perhaps only three dimensions really *do* exist, and the fourth is just
> attempt to explain the phenomenon of time.
> Does "time" exist, anyway?
> --
> Nick Disabato <> <>
> News Editor, Featured Programs, Room Service
> the project -
"Time" isn't a definable quantity. It just is. We can divide it into
discreet and arbitrary intervals like hours, minutes, and seconds, but those
are nothing more than attempts to pin a label on something insubstantial.
It's all relative (pardon the pun).
Eric Tollefson