Re: TI-M: Re: TI-Math Digest V1 #22
Re: TI-M: Re: TI-Math Digest V1 #22
> Actually, there should be no noticeable delay when dividing a 32-bit
32-_digit_ number. Do you still imagine that division of a 32-digit BCD
number by all those primes could be done so quickly? I suppose it may not
be that difficult. . .
> Raw binary (as opposed to BCD) seems to work decently on the Z80 in my
> implementation (and that's not even done too well...), so why wouldn't it
> work on an M68K? In my opinion, raw binary would be the way to go,
> especially with integers and especially on the M68K...
Because trying to work with 613-digit decimal numbers (floats) in raw binary
would be horrendous. If you're going to limit your numbers to only a few
bytes, raw binary may be fine (although 64 bits may be a bit much for raw
binary floats?), but trying to take a binary number and converting it to a
decimal number could take very, very, very, very long when the resulting
decimal number is as long as 613 digits =)
> Similarly, for every prime p, p = 1 (mod
> 2*3*5), p = 7 (mod 30), p = 11 (mod 30), p = 13 (mod 30), p = 17 (mod 30),
> = 19 (mod 30), p = 23 (mod 30), or p = 29 (mod 30).
So, for every prime this _is_ true, but is it not true for every number
that's not prime (the contrapositive)? I imagine so, but I'm just checking
> I suppose I should
> put in that when creating a "congruency list" for prime numbers (such as
> 1, 7, 11, 13, ..., 29 list above), don't create the list based on
> but rather whether the number is divisible by 2, 3, and/or 5 (with modulus
> 30)
If we're using BCD numbers, then this sounds great - after mod 30, it's
_very_ easy to test divisibility by 2, 3, or 5 in BCD since each digit is
kept in base 10 form. Were we to use hex numbers, division by 3 or 5 would
be a pain - but with BCD, we can extract the last digit by itself and test
whether it's even (check bit 0) or 5; otherwise, testing for divisibility by
3 is as easy as adding the digits and checking if the resulting number is 3,
6, or 9. I would think that in this instance, BCD math could be faster than
64-bit or larger binary numbers.
> 2, 3, 5, and/or 7 (with modulus 210); or 2, 3, 5, 7, and/or 11 (with
> modulus 2310).
I doubt that this would be very efficient, since in most cases we'll be
wasting time attempting division by 7 (and possibly 11) when it would be
much faster to mod with 30 and save the time spent in that division.
> I think that's about all you'd need to know; probably went overboard there
> the explanation... ;)
Not at all, I appreciate it =)