Re: TI-M: Algebra- Extra stuff about my idea
Re: TI-M: Algebra- Extra stuff about my idea
Well, the TI-89 has CAS capabilities. When I bought mine, I was
expecting something better and I thing extending it may not be
impossible. The question is how to do this:
1. Using C++ it may be possible to cross-build some important parts of
It is possible, but probably it will be quite difficult to do this and
I am not sure how much memory will be necessary.
2. Some kind of Lisp would be quite welcome. I am not good in Lisp,
but I think this would be very good thing to do. I am
Mathematica user and I miss some basic things to use TI89 in
non-trivial way.
3. It may be possible to use TI-GCC to build some better API and
additional functions based on TI89 existing functions. However I read,
that TIOS2 has some severe limitations which make it even less
usefull, compared to TIOS1. I may be wrong.
In any case I think TI89 and TI92+ is quite different from others and
I wonder if it will be possible to do someything for older calcs.
On Sun, Jun 04, 2000 at 06:00:57PM +0000, Seth Patin wrote:
|Alright, many of you have expressed interest in doing a project like making
|a CAS for the ti-8x calculators. Here is my idea: I want to make a series
|of modules that can be used to do certain algebraic functions. Kirk Meier
|(sp?) once tried this, and he has already told me that a full out CAS on the
|ti-86 is impossible due to memory contraints. However, certain modules
|could be built to do specific functions: Factoring, Exacting (taking a
|decimal number and expressing it in radical or improper fractional form),
|Symbolic Manipulation (the biggest and the hardest). I have already made
|several programs that do things like these, but they are incomplete and in
|basic (so they are WAY to damn SLOW! could not be done in basic, it
|would have to be asm.) I have many ideas. I have made a program in basic
|that takes a simple equation with x and y and solves it symbolically. Thats
|all good, but it is too limited and takes a good five seconds to solve a
|very simple equation. I also have a program that Sebastian Reichelt wrote
|in is supposed to break down an equation into numers and operators.
| I don't know how it works though, becasue i don't have c++ and i can't
|decompile it. If anyone has c++ and could convert it to text, i would be
|very appreciative. Anyway, if anyone else has any questions about my ideas,
|or tips, or if you want to get in on it, then let me know.
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