[TI-H] Re: ti-hardware Digest V2 #69
[TI-H] Re: ti-hardware Digest V2 #69
--- Listar <listar@lists.ticalc.org> wrote:
> Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 18:31:15 +0100
> From: Olle Hedman <alh@home.se>
> Subject: [TI-H] Re: Rom Dumping TI-83+ SilverEdt.
> w/USB
> Welch, Aaron C. wrote:
> >Is it possible to ROM dump using a USB cable?
> >
> >I've downloaded the programs TI-CALC recommends,
> i.e. romdump.exe and it's
> >syntax seems to indicate that you need to be using
> a Serial cable. It does
> >not mention, in the very brief romdump.txt, about
> USB.
> >
> >If you can use USB, can anyone tell me how to do
> it? The programs I have so
> >far are TI-Connect (downloaded from TI) and
> romdump.exe (from ti-calc.org).
> >TI-Connect allows me to move applications between
> the calculator and the
> >computer but I can't find a Rom Dump option in the
> program itself.
> >
> >I'm trying to get a ROM image for use with the VTI
> Emulator.
> >
> romdump.exe was probably written before the USB
> cable even existed.
> Your best bet is TiLP
> It is not only a rom dumper, but a complete program
> for sending stuff to
> and from your calc, and supports about every TI calc
> and cable.
> I am not sure if there is issues that makes it
> impossible to use it to
> dump a ti83+ SE though, but at least its worth a
> try.
> You find it here:
> http://tilp.sourceforge.net/
> (Absolutly horrible homepage, (pink on brown with a
> greensish
> background? come on! they must be kidding...) but a
> good program :)
> ///Olle
Don't bother. VTI can only run TI-83+ OS 1.12 and
earlier. The SE comes with 1.13. (Even 1.12 is bad;
VTI doesn't properly emulate the archive.) However,
you might try the TI-83+ Flash Debugger from the Texas
Instruments SDK, or TiLem if you use Linux.
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