[TI-H] Re: Send / Get Protocol
[TI-H] Re: Send / Get Protocol
thanks all for your help...
I have already made a program for the pic that can get the
Str1 and that kind of usefull for me...
I have already learn all the things of the TI protocol,
(before come here)...
but this protocol specification dont talk about Send and
Get commands... I supose that this comands send Lists like
in one protocol way of TI's...
What I was doing is something similar:
While A=1
and in the PIC:
Get_Str1 ;got the Str1 that contain data
Send_varA ;send the VarA with 0 to break the While
Thats some kind of geenial! but it dont works :(
because the only way to send the VarA is using the PC->TI
protocol... and after TI recive the Var A coming from 'PC'
(this case PIC) it will stop the program and come to the
home screen... :( the program breaks and stop every
I also can use the GetCalc( (ohh good Idea!)
lol .. but it give problems too... (why..?)
Another big big problem.. is that I want the system never
freze or break or stoped in an infinit loop...
(can it happen?) (yes)
The routines that you use in your projects (carlos's one
for example) dont have a 'time out check'... that can be
good for using in z80ASm with the PIC... but if we have
the bad luck of something go wrong.. and the PIC or the
z80Asm program recive any thing wrong... one of the
routines can stay wait for the lines change and will never
go wright again....
TI basic routines have time outs every where...
I made my Send and Get routines for the PIC to have time
out too...
but with the Pause 'get scheme basic like' (used in lot of
basic games) I can get it work very well...
I want the get the best way that the TI and the PIC got
really the information...
so I think in the Send and Get commands.. since they are
all Basic... well
thats all.. if you have any more Ideas to share... share
it :)
bye all,
Mário Luzeiro