[TI-H] Re: How fast is a TI92+? How fast is the BlackLink cable?


[TI-H] Re: How fast is a TI92+? How fast is the BlackLink cable?


Thanks for your interest!

> Very cool!  Are you going to include support for non blocking I/O and
Yes, if it works. I've already mentioned that, I've began working on this
last year at this time. Then I had other things to do and now I will
continue working on
it. I'ts really very, very hard.
The file will be called "tisock.dll" and programmers can use them by
including a header
file and program with an API like the BSD API.
SLIP has been finished successfully, it's programmed in a mix of C and ASM.
I also want to port CSLIP and if TCP/IP is finished, PPP. But PPP is as
difficult as the whole
TCP/IP stack. My dream would be to have a TCP/IP stack like on Palm Devices
connecting to an ISP via IrDA (this adapter will be made with an AVR uC).

The concept for sockets is that I have a socket struct and an array of these
Each structure contains all information for a connection, IP, Ports, ACK
Number, connection
state and so on. The so called file descriptor will be the index to that

The stack is enabled as the user calls TiSockInit(). Then the calc should be
reachable with
But, there's another problem. If I would get this stuff working, it would be
simple to flood
the calc e.g. with ICMP echo requests...

> Also, has anyone considered porting Minix or Linux?  If you're going to
> write a whole TCP/IP stack, might as well have a kernel with file
> descriptors and everything else.
I've also thought in porting Linux to the TI, but I gave up because it's
better to program
something "useful".

> I'd like to know when you finish your stack.  Make sure it gets a new item
> on ticalc.org.
It's my dream finishing this project. I hope I will get it wotking. The
first ping has already worked
but when I did 2 pings simultanely it did not work. So I changed the
architecture of the stack.
But note also that the stack will need a lot of resources, the library
itself will be at least 40k
and it will also allocate a lot of memory.
I promised to myself to buy 3 bottles champagne when the first useable
release is on ticalc.


PS: Sorry for all my mistakes, I can't concentrate now because one of my
self built circuits has broken down,
my switch box has broken down and one fish in my aquarium died.
