[TI-H] Re: link port
[TI-H] Re: link port
At 02:51 2001-09-05, you wrote:
>I have suddenly begun to have trouble sending files to and from my 89, and
>playing multiplayer
>games, and I think the link port may be broken. I managed to send a small
>file (~8K) after many
>tries, and I sent very small files (<100 bytes) without trouble. However,
>I cannot manage to get
>anything very large to transmit. Sometimes the calc gets the link active
>message at the bottom,
>then it eventually disappears and a link error pops up. While playing
>multiplayer Queue (tetris),
>lines sometimes appear and sometimes don't. I have tried other people's
>calcs with the same link
>cord, and it works fine. Are there any tests that I can do to find out
>the status of my link
>port? I am a bit unsure about opening the calc up (never done it before).
Sounds like it could be the link port yes. And if it is some error like
this I don't think there is any reliable tests without opening it...
Have you dropped your calc with the link cord connected or something?
Or used it a lot?
Could be bad solderings at the link port, or maybe that the little metal
thingies inside the connector has been bent, so that it has bad connection.
To open the calc you have to remove all screws, including the one holding
the backup battery. (sorry, your calc will be reset during opening)
I find it the easiest to then crack it open at the top first, I do it with
my fingers by pressing the front half in a bit and pulling apart. then I
use the slide case in the crack, pulling backwards until it snaps up.
Not good to use screwdrivers or metal things, it could damage the case.
I have done it a lot of times, and the calc still holds perfectly together
without any screws. (I don't bother to screw them back, is nice to be able
to open your calc easily. And its a nice "party trick" during class ;)
If you aren't already classified as a geek before, you certainly will after
at least :))
You could look for cracks in the soldering that holds the linkport by
pulling a bit in it.. carefull though.
or just resolder them to be sure.
And all the usual precautions when handling electronics ofcourse like not
touching anything you don't have to touch and stuff to avoid ESD.. but you
probably knew that.
All this ofcourse break any guarantee you might have...