[TI-H] Re: AW: Re: Update of the OS


[TI-H] Re: AW: Re: Update of the OS

The best way would be to get it from a friend's calculator, or find a friend with a TI link.  I
don't know if this will work, but there is an option for VTI to use a link cable (parallel or
serial) as if it were connecting the two calculators.  It is possible that you could find a ROM
with the updated OS, have VTI emulate it, and then send the OS.  I really have no clue if that
would work...

--- Alfred_Mühlleitner <alfred.muehlleitner@gmx.at> wrote:
> Is there a way doing an upgrade without Graphlink?
> I have W32Tran8x 4.0, vti and a parallel cabel...
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Ihr Alfred Mühlleitner.

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