[TI-H] Re: [OT] Panasonic MD400F720PD1 plasma display
[TI-H] Re: [OT] Panasonic MD400F720PD1 plasma display
Quoting =?iso-8859-1?Q?Markus_R=E4ty?= <markus.raty@usa.net>:
You might try a sight called icmaster.com.
> Someone just inquired me any informationon the above mentioned plasma
> display and I started wondering, maybe someone here would have encountered
> such a device. I've had mine in a Toshiba T3200 laptop since 1990 and out
> of
> it for a few years, since the laptop broke. For these few years I've been
> trying to find any information on how to connect it to screen output for
> use
> in ie. a server, as a neat slim side-mounted display, but to no luck.
> No-one
> seems to know anything on this except for the obvious few details that can
> be seen on the display. The display was made by Panasonic/Matsushita under
> the product-id MD400F720PD1 and has an onboard-controller with the
> product-id M400F720BDT(52). The controller states being made in Japan, but
> has a strange triangular company logo on it, like a triangle with
> arrowheads
> on every tip. The controller has a 20-pin connector for data (similar to an
> IDE-connector for example, but with only 20 pins), a 4-pin connector for
> brightness and contrast controls (controlled with potentiometers on a
> separate card) and a 4-pin connector (with one of the middle pins cut off)
> for power. Also the back of the display is full of TI-chips with the
> markings J918EJ58P18, SN75 and 5108PA (these markings are all on the same
> chip and there 2x6 of these chips, 6 on each horizontal side).
> So, thanks anyway if anyone cared to read even this far and I'd be forever
> grateful if someone would have any information on these.
> Markus Räty
> (markus@raty.as)
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