[TI-H] Shakespeare used windows?


[TI-H] Shakespeare used windows?

Shakespeare used Windows?

I think so:

>If Shakespeare Wrote Error Messages
>Most error messages that you encounter each day
>actually come from lines within Hamlet and other plays
>by William Shakespeare. Sure, you've read the revised
>work of the Bard in high school, but the original
>lines are much more informative:
>What a piece of work is man, how noble in reason, how
>infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express
>and admirable, in action how like an angel, in
>apprehension how like a god: the beauty of the world,
>the paragon of animals; and yet your login is
>incorrect, try again, you quintessence of dust.
>'Tis nothing to you, for there is nothing either good
>or bad but thinking makes it so, except for that bad
>command or file name.
>Brevity is the soul of wit; too many arguments.
>A little more than kin, and less than kind, and even
>less memory.
>The fs type is out of joint. Oh cursed spite, that
>ever I was born to set it right!
>What is the matter that you read, my lord?
>Read error, file not found.
>There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
>than are in your kernel, but it's still too big.
>Your process hath shuffled off this mortal coil.
>Oh, what a noble drive here is o'erthrown!
>'Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played upon
>than a pipe? OK, maybe not that pipe.
>I'll lug the guts into the neighbor room, or just dump
>them in your root directory.
>Something is busy in the state of your mount point.
>Revenge should have no bounds. As for floating points,
>I'll make an exception.
>Oh, what a rogue and peasant slave am I, to this
>server what reset my connection!
>Fie, thy grief is a fault to heaven, a fault against
>the dead, a fault to nature, and a fault of
>Dost thou hear me, old friend? Can you play The Murder
>of Gonzago?
>Memory access error.
>Your login flies up, your password remains below; to
>logins without passwords authentication never goes.
>Something wicked this way comes -- oh good, permission
>Bus error: the rest is silence.
>As he did command, I did repel your packets and denied
>you access to me.
>And flights of angels sing thy process to its rest!

This is just fun, I hope you don't mind this if you don't like it...



Do you know why W'98 crashes ALMOST everytime?
It is written this way:
If randomizer<0.99 then Crash

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