TI-H: gooooooooood morning!
TI-H: gooooooooood morning!
hey all, was sad to see this list kinda slack off for a while... i got a
good question for you: i have a magnetic card reader i ... liberated, and i
want to interface it to an rs-232 port. the magstripe reader gives out TTL,
with a clock and a data pin. i have a max-232 serial line transceiver to
play with. now, i realize i could use a UART to buffer the data and send it
through the max-232, but that's a pain in the ass, and i don't want to wait
six weeks for maxim to send me a UART sample. so, how would i go about
performing the UART functions on the PC end - i.e., say i take two inputs on
the serial port (i can use RX and... another pin? any suggestions?) and how
would i write the C code to query the serial port and convert this data into
a usable form? it's purportedly ASCII on the card, so that won't be an