[TI-H] Re: Carlos Becker....question about PIC code?


[TI-H] Re: Carlos Becker....question about PIC code?

It shows where the result should go.  When you can specify F, you can 
put either 'F' or 'W' (one being 0, the other being 1, not certian which 
is which offhand).

So 'decfsz temp,F' would decrement the value conatined in temp, and 
place the result back in temp.

'decfsz temp,W' would decrement the value conatined in temp, and place 
the result in W.  temp would stay the same.


Cullen Logan wrote:

> decfsz temp,F	;why F?
> is F a macro for 1 or 0? Or is it something else.  While reading the
> instruction info in the Microchip docs. I noticed that where you have F
> should either be 0 or 1.
> Thanks,
> Cullen logan
