[TI-H] Re: Parallel link woes, how does screenshot work etc.
[TI-H] Re: Parallel link woes, how does screenshot work etc.
First of all, thanks for the extensive and insightful information, I really
appreciate it!
>Yes, the serial has a higher success rate.
>I would recommend this. It is also compatible with more link programs.
>It even works with TIs own software, thats why its often is referred to as
>"Black Cable Compatible".
Just to make things absolutely clear - we are talking about the
'$4-serial-link', the one with a couple of zeners, not that very advanced
PIC-based solution? The $4 variant seems pretty reasonable but the PIC one
is _way_ over my skills. Anyway, if it is the cheap one, it could be worth a
Btw. the reason it is more compatible is because it is not so dependent on
hardware speed, or is it because you can use TIs own software?
>This is because the reading isn't done on the dataport (378h) but on the
>status/control port. I don't remember if it is 377 or 379, but the
>neighbour port of the data port.
>The sending is though made on the data port, why you can see this reading.
Yes, you are correct, I just looked at the source code to 'Linktest' and it
seems to be 379h that is used for reading vals.
OK, then I will try to modify my little test program and see if I get any
interesting values on one of those ports.
>I'm sorry, I can't from this see why it doesn't work. maybe the computers
>you've tested with was too fast.
>This is a problem with the paralell link. Another problem is that it
>doesn't work with some computers link port.
>There might be a bios setting that makes it work, but I don't remember wich
>is the right. Try that.
>Sounds like the cable is ok...
If the test I mentioned previously turns out OK (that is, that I actually
CAN receive values from the calc) maybe I'll try to hack together my own
little transfer program, shouldn't be to hard once I can read and write
values to the calc. Is there any documentation on the transfer protocol, the
commands to send for screenshot etc. available?
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