[TI-H] Re: I remember hearing of a ti hub project a few years ago...


[TI-H] Re: I remember hearing of a ti hub project a few years ago...

At 23:04 2001-04-29, you wrote:
>afaik, all 68k & all z80 with silent link capability.
>so: 73, 83, 83+, 86, 89, 92, 92+

Thats good, but

 > The device id byte and maybe the keystroke values.
 > You can determine the device id byte with the "test" packet.

This makes it harder... didn't think about that.  the mem in the pic is 
very limited. a lot will be lookuptables for translating keycodes.
will probably only fit one or maybe two.

> > I use that, wrote the routines and tested them yesterday night for
> > it.

naah.. It's just that the ti protocol is that simple.
ps2 will be more of a challange.

