Re: TI-H: Osciloscope & Calc
Re: TI-H: Osciloscope & Calc
heh, "easily," yeah...
well here's a partial list of test points for the ti86. they're probly
the easiest places to solder to :)
TP# Desc
1 RAM ?
2 RAM A1
3 RAM ?
4 RAM A2?
5 RAM A5?
6 RAM ?
7 RAM A7
8 RAM A6
9 ROM A10
10 ROM A11
11 ROM A9
12 ROM A8
13 ROM A13
14 ROM A14
19 ROM D7
21 ROM D1
22 ROM D2
29 ?
35 LCD ?
36 LCD ?
37 LCD ?
38 LCD ?
39 LCD ?
40 LCD ?
41 LCD ?
42 LCD ?
43 LCD ?
44 LCD ?
45 LCD ?
46 LCD ?
47 LCD ?
48 LCD ?
49 LCD ?
51 LCD power (+v1?)
57 RAM Vcc
61 GND by L2
62 GND by BATT1 +
63 ?
64 LINK ?
65 LINK ?
66 BATT1 +
69 ?
70 ?
71 ?
75 ROM ?
76 LINK ?
78 ?
79 ?
On Mon, 2 Oct 2000 21:14:07 -0800 Grant Stockly <>
> Just hack an address decoder and latch and you should be able to
> easily get
> 8 at processor bus speed...
> >i think that would be cool, but for a ti86 (cuz that's what i have,
> it'd
> >be roughly the same as for an 89), or maybe a palm handheld
> thingy.
> >the problem is that you've only got 2 i/o lines, so you'd need an
> >external processor & memory for any reasonable sample rate.
> >
> >-josh
> >
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