RE: TI-H: Teacher Versions of calculators
RE: TI-H: Teacher Versions of calculators
When I was still in school (since then, I've graduated), I know I looked at
the rom version for my teacher's calc, and it was completely different
number (his was an 85, and mine was rom 10, his was rom d7. Not even close.)
He was wanted me to install an ASM shell and some programs that were made
just for it. I tried, but it well, locked up the calc, probably because the
rom's aren't ASM compatable. So, I'm going with the idea that the calcs are
completely different, but look the same on the screen. Inside, I'm sure
they've got something that sorta doubles the output of the screen. Not sure
how, but would make sense, since we haven't been able to find a port that
would let us do this.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Teacher Versions of calculators
>Do teacher versions of the calcs have the same rom versions as student
>for 83?
>89? 92?
>What kind of fun stuff could we do with the external screen port?... would
>we be able to show 2 different screens (seems very unlikely)
>Are teach versions easier to add backlighting to? ROM Expanders inside that
>extra space?
I think they have the same ROMS (they say they do) and that it is hardwiring
Of coarse we "could" have two different screens, but it would be a
llllllllloooooooooooootttttttttttt of work.
There isn't much extra space in them.
Cavan le Super Schants
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