Re: TI-H: 512k RAM
Re: TI-H: 512k RAM
additionally, there are hardware problems. the system's memory map is
already full. their is no room in the logic for more memory. however, if
you were to hijack the processors data lines directly, along with getting
access to the address lines, you might be able to map an open io port to
access an additional chip. it woudl be slower, however, and only usualbe as
a "harddrive" type feature, because in order to access it, you would need
some sort of microcontroller or logic. your could have it set so that the
first word written to the port would be the address inside the extra ram and
a read/write bit
if set to read, the ram would send the proper word to be read. if set to
write, the next word written to the port would write one word to memory. or
byte. this would be one of the only ways to implement such a system,
however, because, as stated earlier, the entire memory map is almost
completeyl used up, excepting a few "holes" in the io segment, if i remember
correclty. then again, i might remember wrongly. there might be whole
segments open for expansion in the memory map, or their might be zero holes
in the io map. that would suck
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: 512k RAM
> In a message dated 3/12/00 3:46:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << has anyone tried to replace the 128k RAM chip with a 512k RAM chip in a
> 92 ?
> anybody knows if it is posible an functional (i make no sense if the ti
> os can use the extra RAM but if i can load fargo or tie i can use the
> etra ram anyway i guess of course). ?
> >>
> In the Z80 calculators, extra RAM can only be accessed by programs
> written to recognize it. I think its the same in the 68k calcs, and i
> Fargo is written to handle extra RAM.