Re: TI-H: Re: DFI Mothers and AMD´s


Re: TI-H: Re: DFI Mothers and AMD´s

On Thu, 08 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> Well i was going to wait for the prices for the gigs to come down but now
> that i see that i need a serious upgrade (pre-pentium 80mhz, 486) i'm going
> to probably get a slower p3 (slower ha, 550?) i don' no i just don't like
> amds that much and i have no idea why.  i don't really see any reason to ya
> know?  well who knows i might just get a celeron depending on how much $$$
> i'll have.  hey better to get an cdrw or zip (250)?
> bernard

Haven't read any of the other replies to this yet, but I insist that you
consider an Athlon. Earlier in the year, the motherboard support for them was
rather shabby, but now there are some really good ones out there. Asus just
came out another K7x model that's getting great reviews. Athlons are MUCH
cheaper than equivalent P3's right now, and if you can wait a few months, I'd
highly recommend the Thunderbird version of the chip (a socket model, not the
current slot ones). Go to and check out how cheap some of the
lower-mhz ones are. I think you'll be impressed. I own an Athlon 750mhz and no
regrets here.


To err is human, to moo bovine.
[me =]

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