Re: TI-H: MAS3507D MP3 codec Sale!
Re: TI-H: MAS3507D MP3 codec Sale!
>Sorry I ment MPEG audio bit stream, not I2S !!
>Wow, how did you manage all the IDE and FAT32 stuff ??
Its not all THAT complicated. You read the directory tree, which tells
which cluster the file starts on. You know where the cluster is because in
the drive header is the information that tells you where the partition
starts and how many sectors are in a cluster.
On the beginning of a file's sector is a header. If the size of the
cluster is less than full, the file ends on that cluster. If the cluster
size is the size of a cluster, then you go to the pointer of the next
>Wich microcontroller did you use, AVR ??
AVR. You can use an 80C51. How about the DS80C320.
>Is source available, where ?
Learn. :)