Re: *Please* keep religous stuff Off-List! (was: Re: TI-H: Bill Gates


Re: *Please* keep religous stuff Off-List! (was: Re: TI-H: Bill Gates is the...

And here's the first reply!

MM MM   I     T   C   C H   H O   O
M M M   I     T   C     HHHHH O   O
M   M   I     T   C   C H   H O   O
M   M IIIII   T    CCC  H   H  OOO

"I predict that Steve will one day conquer Hollywood as dramatically as he
conquered Silicon Valley.  Michael Eisner, watch out; Steve Jobs now has a
new talent on his resume: displacing the CEO. The Walt Disney Company could
be next."  - Gil Amelio, coauthor, On the Firing Line: My 500 Days at Apple

on 01/08/2000 08:07 PM, Grant Stockly at wrote:

>> In a message dated 1/7/2000 10:32:22 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>> writes:
>> << As the dude, who started this "infamous thing", I wish to defend myself (a
>> little late, but too bad). If you don't want your mailboxes flooded, don't
>> forking reply. >>
>> Hell yes. Every reply generates 10 more replys, and each of those generates
>> 10 more, and they reproduce like cockroaches.
> According to you'r theory, 9 people must reply to this.  But if they
> replied to MY reply, woudln't that mean they would be starting a new chain
> of replies?
> :)
> Grant
