Re: TI-H: Stop filling my mail!!!!


Re: TI-H: Stop filling my mail!!!!

three letters "lol"

--- David Knaack <> wrote:
> From: <>
> > Well you're f-ing filling my mail so stop it
> Be sure to send those messages to your recycle bin,
> if you just delete them
> the bits that they are formed of will be lost and
> more binary digits will
> have to be harvested from nature.  The recent
> explosion of data on the
> internet has resulted in such a high demand that
> many systems are running
> short on bits.  When  PCs run out of materials from
> which to make IP
> packets, they must enter loops to wait for
> deliveries of raw bits from the
> internet DNS servers (without DNS servers the
> internet would be next to
> imposable to run, each packet delivering bits to
> your computer would have to
> be directed to its destination by static tables on
> each computer, which
> would aggravate the situation even more).
> Heavy demand for raw digit supplies has been
> resulting in the clear cutting
> of vast areas of tropical rain forest.  In order to
> protect our environment
> and the planets biological diversity, it is
> imperative that we recycle all
> the used bits we receive, and put try to limit our
> consumption of bits by
> refraining from utilizing spam mail advertising and
> off topic posts to email
> discussion groups.
> recycling bits,
> DK

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