TI-H: To the People of the World


TI-H: To the People of the World

From: BYuCnslr
Ok I have started this mass email (please read on is of extreme importance, not like that that other crap mass email crap) because of a happy99 scare that effected our computer from a supposidly 'safe' mailing list.  now this isn't the fault of the list (in which shall stay unamed, to prevent useless spams to enter that list), the host did not know that the worm (not a virus) had affected his/her computer.  now to prevent this from further happening I suggest that whenever you send an email with an attachment you should notify him/her/them/it/etc. that you are sending an attachment in a seperate email beforehand as to keep everyone safe.  And futher more i also suggest that you always send a confermation email back to the sender, I know this will cause a huge hassle on servers, and mailing lists but I believe this will protect everyone from recieving and running a virus/worm/trojan etc.
   Also for those of us that send mass emails (like this one) I suggest that when you forward it remove all the addresses from the text, to keep everyone's eletronic privacy (or atleast what is left of it).
   On a last note, I beg you to send this to as many people as possible until everyone, absolutly everyone, family, friends, aquantences, enemies (love your enemies), business partners, EVERYONE  knows about it.  And there is no attachment with this email.  Thank you and have a good day
Feburary 24, 2000
