Re: TI-H: C++


Re: TI-H: C++

You can get a port of GCC for the 68k processor, which includes C++, but
you'd have a lot of work ahead of you before you got it to work well.

C++ is just another language.  Whether it runs well on a particular
architechture really depends on the compiler.  Bjarne indicates that a
good compiler will produce code that is as small as, or smaller than, a C
compiler would for a similarily functioning program.

Too many people have the impression that C++ cannot run on smaller
processors.  This is not true, it's just that it is generally not worth
going to the trouble of creating a good C++ compiler for a smaller target
when it is amply supported by C and other languages, and the benefits of
using C++ are not great.  There are many programs, however, which would
benefit from an OO approach rather than procedural on many of these
smaller platforms.

Remember that the processor used in the ti-89 and 92 is essentially the
same processor that the first macintosh used, just running a bit faster. 
C++ has been around since the late 70s, and has been widely used since the
early 80s.

-Adam wrote:
>  Is C++ compatable with any calcs, or is it too advanced?
