Re: TI-H: Newbie Q - The imfamous 'not working' message


Re: TI-H: Newbie Q - The imfamous 'not working' message

I had an interesting time making my $4 link work with my TI-85.

First, my LED did light, and I beleave that it should be always on.

I found that when I plugged the link into the calc, and it was connected
down the road to the mother board (link/serial/mother board) that it would
appear to freeze, but actually it was slowed down. (A keystroke would appear
every 15 seconds or so...)

To fix this, I had to put the plug in just the right way, I read something
about filing on the end of the plug (at the base, so the plug goes farther
into the calc, not on the part that goes into the calc itself.)

Finding software to work with it was also a problem, I have only gotten
W32tran8x (after setting the transfer delay to about 5000) and the TI link
software (select "black cable", I think) to work with it.

Hope this helps you.

B Clark
