Re: TI-H: Parallel --> USB connector
Re: TI-H: Parallel --> USB connector
and there are people who praise people who understand Windows. then there
are people like me who know enough of the jargon, ta bit of programing and
have a heck of a lot of common sense. We're able to squeeze our way through
so called 'discussions' with out being asked to many question but still look
like saints cause we know how to solve most problems with other people's
Windows machines (i also use windows and it is starting to piss me off next
time i go out the that computer store i'm getting linux, windows is crashing
way too much).
----- Original Message -----
???: "Grant Stockly" <>
???: <>
????: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 17:34
??: Re: TI-H: Parallel --> USB connector
> I wouldn't mind at all.
> The internet would be back...finally.
> There are too many people who think they're experts because they made
> GeoCities account work.
> >i say sometime in the future there'll be a large crash and nobody's
> >computers (exept for the actual computer literate) will be able to work
> >when that happens i'll laugh (and get paid a lot).
> >Bernard