Re: TI-H: thanx


Re: TI-H: thanx

exactly what do you mean by "offical" members?  you have the mafia
supporting you or somethin ;-)?
----- Original Message -----
???: <>
???: <>
????: Thursday, April 13, 2000 19:21
??: Re: TI-H: thanx

> In a message dated 4/13/00 9:24:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << I hope you don't actually think that...
>  What makes this list horrible is people running arround with ego's above
>  their head.
>   >>
> Well, at the time of that message, HybridSoft had 3 official members. One
> me. One was the other co-founder, who is learning asm from me as i learned
> it. The third openly admitted to now knowing asm at all.
> Jeff Barrett
> Hybridsoft
> Co-founder and Director of TI Programming
> AIM:RoniBarrett
> ICQ:67472242
