re:TI-H:OFF TOPIC: free dos
re:TI-H:OFF TOPIC: free dos
FreeBSD is a copy of OpenBSD which is a copy of NetBSD.
NetBSD has been arround the longest, has the highest software
compatibility, and is the strongest of the three.
I run 3 servers on it and never had any problems with them.
King of free OSs ain't linux. :)
>I don't know about free DOS's, but FreeBSD (some kind of UNIX thing) is out
>there, I'll try and find a URL. I used to have it, but can't find any good
>use for it. And of course if you have a LOT of time on your hands, download
>the king of free OS's: Linux. I use it, but my ISP doesn't support it :-(
>Jeff Barrett
>"What do you mean, 'This patient wasn't on the organ donor list'?"