Re: TI-H: link port specs
Re: TI-H: link port specs
>From: Grant Stockly <>
>> >From: Grant Stockly <>
>> >Grant, have you looked at the timing pulse with a 'scope? When I checked
>> >it on one of my 85's it looked a bit strange, low for half the cycle,
>> >instead of high for the other half, the 'scope trace turns into a solid
>> >between 0 and Vcc. Like it was oscillating really fast during the up
>> >or something.
>> Thats fine. OSC inputs only need to be just above GND. The pulses don't
>> need to be even, especially on a calculator.
>ok, cool, I wasn't sure what the deal on that was. sure was ugly tho :)
>Can you see any drawbacks to having a crystal clock on the calc?
No disadvantates. I havn't teste the voltage (I'll do that in a day or
two) but what you see on the osc is most likely a TTL signal (0 - 2.5-6